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rss RSS: Contactors - Slovakia (Slovak Republic) > Bratislava
Result 1-3 of 3
Mohajer s.r.o.  Oct. 18, 2014 4:23:16

We can provide you The ( EU) European Union Residence Permit from The Foreign Police of Slovakia, by company registration on your name, and showing that you are profitable for economy of the Slovakia....

[Bratislava, Bratislava, Slovakia (Slovak Republic)]
mtv brothers assets s.r.o  Sep. 13, 2012 13:23:48

We are European trading company that had Export to Asia , Aferica and America .we can export frozen chicken feet and all of chicken parts on the costumer request and looking for really costumer .

[Bratislava, Bratislava, Slovakia (Slovak Republic)]
Regioland.sro  Jun. 18, 2010 7:13:40

The Regioland.sro 2 year deal with mobile phone displays, keyboards, cases, IC, PCB marketing. The company is headquartered Slovakia, Komarno town. We have 12 employees.

[Komarno, Bratislava, Slovakia (Slovak Republic)]
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