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rss RSS: Transformers - Jordan > Amman
Result 1-5 of 5
AL AIZARIEH TRADING EST.  Feb. 25, 2014 13:07:07

We commission agents and representatives in this range from 1981, our main line business for all kind of wood, we have good co-operate and agent with many supply from Indonesia â € “ China - Malaysia â ....

[AMMAN, Amman, Jordan]
Abu Tareq  Sep. 11, 2011 3:38:27

We are a general trading and business services company , based in Jordan , and looking for foreign companies who are willing to expand their business abroad and enter new markets

[Amman, Amman, Jordan]
SAMA Food Industries Co.  Sep. 18, 2011 7:36:37

Established early 2008 as a limited liability company and by a 100% Jordanian capital, SAMA food industries company aims at producing and distributing mineral water and, at later stages, other....

[Amman, Amman, Jordan]
Holy River Establishment  May. 1, 2010 5:01:02

Holy River Establishment is a Jordanian company licensed to distribute Holy Water from the River Jordan; where Jesus Christ was baptized. Extraction, bottling and distribution of our Holy Water are....

[Amman, Amman, Jordan]
waelalsabi  Apr. 24, 2010 23:53:15

we are active in the field of energy products , on both selling and buying sides. products as D2, M100, JP54 are of interest to us. we welcome any cooperation in this business.

[Amman, Amman, Jordan]
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