Company Brief

cute brown food overflowing mouth, received orders to the rest of Indonesia. message across to the rest of eastern Java. chocolate praline, Lollypop, a variety of chocolate cake, ecomomical cake, swiss roll ananas, coffee mixture, cheese, dried sus, sus balado dry, dry chocolate eclairs, eclairs dry marble, pia green bean, milk chocolate pia, pia srikaya, cheese brownies avenue, triple chocolate brownies, banana brownies, brownies capucino, risoles croquettes, baked pie, chocolate eclairs, pastel decorative, spiku leopard, spiku rainbow, spiku three colors, plastic steamed tiramisu, coconut brownies broiled, steamed roll polka, kaastengel special, black and white cookies, shredded pastry, cake zebra, tutty fruity cake, spiku economical, chocolate cake capucino, sweet flower roll, black & white roll, a combination of roll, taro bread, spider bread, pizza cups, ant nests ( caramel) , herbs pancake , bongko Kopyor, misbegotten manten, pyramid rolls, horseshoe roll, rolls layered, feather tiramisu cake, tiramisu mandarin, black fosert tiramisu, litle swan ( sus ducks) , the contents of the chicken roll sus, sus flowers ( flower sus) , cassanova slice, cheese cake, carry cheese, curry puff, puff beff, roll chocolate pandan, bikang ambon brown sugar, baking trays, bright moon, black rice cake bendu, putu tegal, bread steamed green beans, ragout rolls, peanut sesame buns, dumplings beef, chicken dumplings, green bean buns, sausysbrood content of meat, roomhoren ( cuncum) swastika, the content of bananas and garnelen bladerdeeg Brood.