Registration Date: Jun. 25, 2024 Last Updated: Mar. 1, 2013
Business Nature: Manufacturing, Trade, Service, Organizations of Business Services category
Company Brief
â A photo speaks a thousand words.â
We at â Creativity Clipping Pathâ can beautify any image and incorporate special effects in it. In order to meet Editing, Manipulation, Restoration and allied requirements to make an image more cogent, we offer an array of Photo Retouching and Editing Solutions.
Our range of services includes - Clipping Path Services, Color Correction / Raw Conversion Services, Image Retouching Services, Image Restoration Services and others that can save you time and money.
We look forward to associate with your company and provide you the best in class services!
f Low cost service
f No payment required before completion
f Quick turnaround
f Satisfaction guarantee
f Volume discount
f Triple check quality control
f 24 hours customer support
f All types of photo treatment service available
f Easy and flexible services
f Huge amount of image processing capacity
f Service available 24/ 7- 365 days
You are requested to visit our website :
View this Link : https: / / u/ 0/ b/ 105328417518123161168/ photos/ 10532841751812316 1168/ albums/ 5843774529782618321
Thanks and Regards
Mizanur Rahman
Chief Executive Officer- Production & Marketing.
Creativity Clipping Path - 56/ J, South Mugdapara, Dhaka | 1214 | Bangladesh |
Phone: + 880-1935219912 | + 880-1718077385
E-mail: info@ | mizan@
Skype: ccplbd | Gtalk: ccplbd2010@