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rss RSS: Inorganic - Others - Indonesia > Maluku
Result 1-3 of 3
Buy : cananga oil / minyak kenanga  Aug. 22, 2012 8:52:39

Cananga odorata is a fast-growing tree of the custard-apple family, Annonaceae, that exceeds 5 m ( 15 ft) per year[ citation needed] and attains an average height of 12 m ( 40 ft) . It grows in full....

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  • CV. JAD_ Corp  Feb. 4, 2008 2:23:11

    We move an agricultural exam a Marine resources. we product a sea weeds, we need a plastic pacing for we product. and we have your company have halping about that " The Packing Plastic "

    [Ambon, Maluku, Indonesia]
    Buy : pearl earing ( sea pearl)  Jan. 4, 2008 14:51:51

    it' s a earing made from sea pearl ( white, black, yellow ) and fine gold ( 85% ) each gram about Rp.325.000

    Supplier: Gajah Mas [ambon, Maluku, Indonesia]
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