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rss RSS: Organic - Others - Hong Kong SAR > Hong Kong
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Honest Enterprise Corp.  Jul. 2, 2007 5:52:14

Perusahaan kami berdiri sejak tahun 1989, kami bergerak di bidang importer sbb 1. Import Biji Besi & Pasir Beri 58% -65% 2. Ncikle Ore > 1.4% 3. Manganese > 40% 4. Chromium 5. Galena

[Hong Kong, Hong Kong, Hong Kong SAR]
Buy : Buy / Co-operation Chemical Products  Sep. 3, 2005 0:24:36

We are Hong Kong based trading company Importer and Exporter. We looking for a manufacturer or Supplier Chemicals, Plastics, Resins & Compounds, Dyes & Pigments, Detergent, Foam, Synthetic Fibers, ....

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