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Bisnis Asma' Ul Karomah

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Bisnis Asma' Ul Karomah
Bisnis Asma' Ul Karomah
Welcome to
Bisnis Asma' Ul Karomah


Business Asma Ul Karomah is a website that sells electronic goods are unique - unique, Herbs, Muslim clothing, Batik, Tasbih, etc. and the price offered is relatively inexpensive and competitive. selling products such as Game Console PSP, MP4, MP5 and Spy Cam forms: pen camera, spy ear, spy phone, spy cam with remote activated spy cam and other products. Honey, Herbs Pinang Young, Oil Qowi, etc.. Hijab / Veil.

Reseller Business Systems Asma Ul Karomah using dropship system, delivery of goods will go directly to the buyer ( buyer) without identity, memorandum, or any business concerned with Asma Ul Karomah Delivery package will be delivered using the identity of the reseller. What makes a business opportunity without a large capital.

COD or direct purchase in our Office Business Asma Ul Karomah

Business Asma Ul Karomah Address: Jl. Trimurti Market 6 V Hamlet Village B. Klippa, district. Percut Sei Tuan, Kab. Deli Serdang, terrain. HP. 0878 6830 7140

Data delivery the buyer can be done through sms to 0813 9625 6583, with the format:

Name ( B) :
Complete address ( B) :
City ( B) :
Goods ordered ( B) :
No. Hp ( B) :

Name ( RS) :
No. Hp ( RS) :

* B = Buyer ( buyer)
* RS = Reseller


Name: Rusdy
Detailed Address: Building BII square lt. 1 block b No. 123-130, jl highway 1
City: New York 22 040 North
Goods in a message: carkey 808
No. HP: 081 xxxx xxxx

Senders: Kartono
No. hp: 081 xxxx xxxxx

All barang2 on this website are imported goods, out of town and all the products there a guarantee. If the items we send and get to your hands is damaged or when you wear our stuff and were damaged, during the warranty period we replace the item with a new one.

Warranty ranging from 1 week to 3 months depending on the type with the goods, if you want to know or mengclaim your goods are damaged you can contact me at the number: 0852 9618 9700 and do not forget to tuck postage to your place.

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