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    wirausaha sayur

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    Telegraphic Transfer (T/T)
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    Vegetables is the name given to the staple food eaten by humans, but not included in the category of fruits, nuts, herb, spice.

    1. List of vegetables

    * Asparagus
    * Bawang Bombay
    * Bawang putih
    * Onion
    * Spinach
    * Gig
    * Beans
    * Jamur
    * Onion leaves
    * Celery leaves
    * Corn
    * Peanut bogor
    * Peanut bean
    * Peanut kelisa
    * Long Beans
    * Peanut land
    * Kailan
    * Kangkung
    * Keciwir
    * Keledek
    * Potato
    * Cabbage flower
    Cabbage *
    * Kucai
    * Labu water
    * Labu manis
    Pepper *
    * Red radish
    * White radish
    * Pegaga
    * Peria
    * Petola
    * Shoots nails
    * Rabbit
    * Sawi
    * Sengkuang
    * Serai
    * Terung
    * Cucumber
    * Tomato
    * Carrot

    Make your terrace garden area, you cared enough to harvest a few weeks straight, the initial package we offer is enough to cover the cost of the kitchen.

    Package for sale Sayur Contact us

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