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  • Payment Gateway

    Payment Gateway

    Rp 15.000.000,-

    Got Payment Gateway like the facilities as follows:

    - Website protected you from:

    1.Protect everything within web pages:
    Webpage Protector can protect everything included in....

  • Bank System

    Bank System

    Software / application is designed for the Bank, the types of financial institutions that practice banking operations using 2 systems: the conventional system and the system Syari....

  • Pengolahan Gas

    Pengolahan Gas

    Rp 25.000.000,-

    Business Processing Pingin Got gas?

    Use the package that we offer

    Package that we offer a complete equipment ready to produce.

    Tgl until 18 May 2009 free installation costs, ....

  • Pengolahan Minyak Tanah

    Pengolahan Minyak....

    Rp 25.000.000,-

    How selling land terkendala Oil:

    - Supply Susah?

    - Queue difficult?

    - Price Elementary Mahal?

    Join us with the question above overcame.

    Package that we offer a complete....

  • wirausaha buah

    wirausaha buah


    Fruit is the organ of flowering plants is a further development of the future ( ovarium) . Fruit usually conceal and protect the seeds. Various shapes and forms of fruit is....

  • wirausaha sayur

    wirausaha sayur


    Vegetables is the name given to the staple food eaten by humans, but not included in the category of fruits, nuts, herb, spice.

    1. List of vegetables

    * Asparagus
    * Bawang Bombay....

  • Kreasi Jilbab Outlet

    Kreasi Jilbab Outlet


    Been thought by the difficulty to build your own business? You have to bet money and millions of rupiah for hours of time just to try to start a new business. What if you could....

  • Minuman Kesehatan

    Minuman Kesehatan

    sesuai pilihan

    Health Drink Outlet

    Self-sale package:
    Rp 1.750.000, --

    Investment Package:
    Rp 3, 755, 000, --

  • Crepes Outlet

    Crepes Outlet

    sesuai pilihan

    Nikemase Crepes

    Join Nikemase Crepes With Business snacks with organic material is very basic for good health.

    Nikemase Crepes offered in two packages

    Self-sale package:

    Rp 1....

  • Coffe Outlet

    Coffe Outlet

    sesuai pilihan

    Coffe Outlet

    Coffe Outlet attempt to provide a new concept in providing coffee-based beverages in a variety of taste and specially mixed with the concept drive-tru/ take away.....

  • Tea Outlet

    Tea Outlet

    sesuai pilihan

    Tea Outlet

    Tea drinking was better than drinking water white, white only because water replaces body fluids other than tea, but at the same time replace the fluids containing....

  • PPOB


    sesuai pilihan

    Domestic Services Integrated Business Save PPOB is a payment service and refill that is for members of the network and Business Save PPOB business partners / retail.


  • Kios Ilmu

    Kios Ilmu


    Kiosk Science Learning Center is a GENERAL Covering:

    - TK ( English, count, read, etc.)

    - Primary school ( English, etc.)

    - Junior High School ( various areas of science)

    - High....

  • Agro service

    Agro service


    You damaged the land, we are ready to fix

    Land your production is reduced, we are ready to help

    Confused with the Tanam? , Use our services

    Agro Service

    Bimatel as producers....

  • Terapi House

    Terapi House


    The license with Mangambil Terapi House from Us then you have the right of the Service:

    Beauty therapy




    , , And.


    Overcome the feeling is not always satisfied with....

  • Woman House

    Woman House


    Woman House is a Women' s Place Virgin Covering:

    - Health

    - Body

    - Payudara

    - Vagina

    - Massage

    - Women' s issues and other

  • Koneksi Box

    Koneksi Box


    Connection Box Includes:

    - Operating System

    - Wireless Antenna With Maximum Range of 1.5 km ( can be perforated Building)

    - Billing System

    - Good For RT / RW Net

    - PC


  • Jasa Jodoh

    Jasa Jodoh


    Love you overdo Due to the women or men, but there is no response from it, we can still help you become concerned that the wife or your husband

  • Tungku Rezeki

    Tungku Rezeki


    a fireplace is a Muslim nation genie that can help your urination, along with the knowledge that the jinn have to be invited dialogue

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