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15th Year
we will be faithful with the growth of your business and keep your trust to our company, because we are your reliable business partner
Contact Information
Mr. Saharuddin Syam
[Director/CEO/General Manager]
Instant Messaging:

Y!: bahamasexpress 
Phone Number:
Phone number of Mr. Saharuddin Syam at Makassar
Mobile Number:
Mobile number of Mr. Saharuddin Syam at Makassar
Fax Number:
Fax number of Mr. Saharuddin Syam at Makassar
Jalan Pongtiku No.176
Makassar 90214, Sulawesi Selatan
untuk informasi biaya pengiriman ( shipping) , silahkan menghubungi kami ( Nego)
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Registration Date: Aug. 26, 2010Last Updated: Jul. 16, 2011
Business Nature: Service of Business Services category

Company Brief

We are a company engaged in Freight Forwarding, we use the ship / container in carrying out our activities, or commonly known as the expedition cargo ships ( EMKL)

Our company serves the delivery of goods, especially the eastern region of Indonesia, namely:

* Ambon, Sorong, Fak-fak, Manokwari, Biak, Nabire, Serui, Jayapura and Timika and Merauke

* For the future we will continue to strive to serve another region

With the support facilities, infrastructure and management are professional and reliable, our company is now widely recognized as one of the leading shipping company and become one of the largest partners of PT. Pelni, particularly in eastern Indonesia

The advantages of our company are:

* " Team work" to understand the needs of corporate partners, we strongly uphold the commitment and orientation towards quality and service and make all of our partners as an invaluable asset

* Zero Accident / incident is one of achieving the target of our company over the last three years

Service delivery include:

* Delivery of merchandise, material / project, the goods while moving house / office, vehicle and others

* Port to port service, door to port services and door to door service

Vision and Mission:

* Being one of the leading shipping company in Indonesia

* Provide quality service delivery, fast, safe and competitive for all of eastern Indonesia and in the future for the entire territory of Indonesia.

* Contributing to the acceleration and equitable economic development in eastern Indonesia

Legal Company:

* Founded in 2008, with the Deed Tax. 04 In 2008, authorized by the Minister of Justice and Human Rights Number. AHU.90256.AH.01.01 Year 2008

* Our company has a trading business license ( original) place of business permit ( SITU) Sea freight business license ( EMKL) Number principal taxpayer ( TIN) and others, according to applicable laws and regulations in Indonesia

Price ( Shipping)

* Please contact us at:

Office Address: Jalan Pongtiku Number 176
Office Phone ( 0411) 92-64-888
Office Phone ( 0411) 45-88-62
Fax ( 0411) 42-50-15
E-mail bahamasexpress@ yahoo.com
Contact Person:
0813 424 141 35 ( Saharuddin Sham / managing director)
0812 410 889 58 ( HM Amir Yusuf / director of trading)

Major Products / Services

Cooperation :
  • kerjasama bisnis
    Kami adalah Perusahaan jasa Pengiriman barang dengan angkutan Kapal laut / peti kemas (EMKL).
    Jangkauan geografis Perusahaan kami adalah kawasan timur Indonesia antara lain :

    Ambon, Sorong, Fak-fak, Manokwari, Biak, Nabire, Serui, Jayapura serta Timika dan Merauke

    Dengan dukungan sarana dan prasarana serta menajemen yang handal, saat ini Perusahaan kami telah dikenal luas sebagai Perusahaan Expedisi terkemuka dan menjadi salah satu mitra terbesar PT. Pelni di kawasan timur Indonesia.

    Keunggulan dari Perusahaan kami adalah :

    "Team work" yang mengerti kebutuhan rekanan, memegang teguh komitmen, berorientasi terhadap mutu, menempatkan rekanan “besar atau kecil” sebagai Aset yang tak ternilai

    Zero Accident / incident adalah salah satu pencapaian target Perusahaan kami selama dua tahun terakhir

    Layanan pengiriman meliputi

    Barang dagangan, Material / Proyek, Pindahan, Kendaraan dan lain-lain
    Port to port service, door to port service dan door to door service

    Visi dan Misi

    Mejadi perusahaan Expedisi pionir di Indonesia

    Menyediakan jasa angkutan laut yang berkualitas cepat, aman dan efisien untuk seluruh kawasan timur Indonesia. Berkontribusi terhadapat percepatan dan pemerataan pembangunan ekonomi di kawasan timur Indonesia


    Didirikan pada Tahun 2008, dengan Akta Notaris No. 04 Tahun 2008, disahkan oleh Menteri Hukum dan Hak Asasi Manusia No. AHU.90256.AH.01.01 Tahun 2008.
    Perusahaan kami dilengkapi Surat ijin usaha Perdagangan (SIUP) Surat Ijin Tempat Usaha ( SITU) dan Surat ijin usaha Angkutan Laut (EMKL) serta NPWP dan lain lain sesuai peraturan perundang undangan yang berlaku

    Price ( Tarif )

    Silahkan menghubungi kami di :

    Office Jalan Pongtiku No. 176
    Telp (0411) 92-64-888
    Fax (0411) 45-88-62
    Email bahamasexpress@yahoo.com
    Contact Person : 0813 424 141 35 ( Saharuddin Syam )
    0812 410 889 58 ( H.M Amir Yusup )

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