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PT.Asoka Putra Tama

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PT.Asoka Putra Tama
Welcome to
PT.Asoka Putra Tama


Welcome to the PT. Asoka Son of Tama, we are a company engaged in construction services and Rental / Lease Equipment / Construction reliable which was established on 12 December 1984 in Medan, North Sumatra - Indonesia.

In the field of services Konstrusi our company has become one of the partners of PT. Inalum, the only Aluminium Smelting Plant in Indonesia and Southeast Asia since 1986 until today. Various types of construction work that has been and we are working in the factory of which Roads, Roof Replacement, Building Ware House and other construction work.

While in the field of Heavy Equipment Rental Services / Construction, our company provides car rental Crane, Crawler Crane, Forklift, Excavator and others. Several national and international scale company such as PT. Truba Mandiri, PT. Timas Suplindo, PT. Inwha Indonesia, PT. Wilmar Group and other companies have given their support and confidence in terms of procurement of heavy equipment for the implementation of their projects throughout Indonesia.

We serve the rental tool for all types of work, starting from the erection, setting / unsetting, fabrication, construction of the toll road until the construction of the plant was we could do.
Our main philosphy is always to be the leading rental companies in the field of equipment rental berat.Melalui our experience, we believe we can always improve the quality and service of our services and our commitment to provide the best service to our customers. And wholeheartedly provide solutions to all our customers so that achieving success together.
Jln.Jababeka XI H, I 30-40 Jababeka Industrial Estate, Cikarang, Bekasi, 17530 - Indonesia.
Phone. 021-89633221
Fax. 021-89840531
Mr. Rizal Maulana
Mobile. 081310391423
Email. pt.asokaputratama@ gmail.com

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