Products Gallery
ASA Forestry Inc. under the Limited Liability Company Law, which is located in Tasikmalaya, undergoing the business field relating to the environment, particularly the forestry and plantation-based on timber plant industry.Formed from a team as a joint expertise, skill, knowledge, which is supported with high experiences particularly in the field of forestry, agriculture and forestry and plantation investment management. Supported by the strength experts and experienced professional.
Here we are committed together to provide the best service in all aspects of forestry and plantation
By the brand of ASA Forestry and Timber Estate Forest Plantations, We presented those commitment to you as a form of service and products which are :
1. Plants Seeds and forest plantation Seedlings;
2. Forest Plantation high standard Seedbed in the Nursery ;
3. Service providers for forest and plantation management ;
4. Forest and Plantation ownership Management;
5. Consultation and Assistance.
Ownership of Forest Plantation @ Timber Estate from ASA Forestry
JABON, 6 year cycle, 1.500 trees ( 1 hectare) for the price of US $ 9.000,
profits potency US $ 23.950 even more than US $ 40.000
SENGON SOLOMON, 6 year cycle, 1.500 trees ( 1 hectare) for the price of US $ 9.000,
profits potency US $ 21.441 even more than US $ 36.000
TEAK-CORE TETRA ( JATI TETRA) , 17 year cycle, 2.000 trees ( 1 hectare) for the price of US $ 27.500,
profits potency US $ 261.500 even more than US $ 376.831
The choice of locations TIMBER ESTATE:
1. Kalipucang Timber Estate : Kec Kalipucang Kab. Ciamis ( + / - 30km from Pangandaran tourism object )
2. Citumang Timber Estate : Kec. Parigi Kab. Ciamis ( + / - 17 km from Pangandaran tourism object)
Together with us, You donâ � � t have to spent big amount of money just for providing plantation, because with us the ownership of your Forest Plantation have included : The Usage Rights of plantation during the Forest plantation cycling take place, qualities tree seed, cultivation treatment, Intensive treatment of your Forest Plantation, hewing untill wood distribution from your Forest, including the expense of Management, human resources, and Social Fund Development.
Realizing Your Forest Plantation, and start to share the benefits ( Social - Economy - Environment)
ASA Forestry Inc.
Workshop Office :
Jl. Sindang Sari no. 3 Pancasila
Kota Tasikmalaya 46111
Phone + 62 265 334779 - 331705
Fax. + 62 265 334779