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Mr. Hasni Sofyan [Owner/Entrepreneur]

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Y!: hasni 
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Phone number of Mr. Hasni Sofyan at Martapura Kab. Banjar

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Mobile number of Mr. Hasni Sofyan at Martapura Kab. Banjar


Jalan Melati No.103 Lihung Kec.Karang Intan
Martapura Kab. Banjar 70661, Kalimantan Selatan

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Registration Date: May. 24, 2023   Last Updated: Jan. 10, 2012
Business Nature : Trade, Service of Business Services category

Company Brief

Antik BertuahThe main field is in the field of supernatural services, medicine / natural healing / energy inside. but can also penetrated other areas such as agriculture agribusiness, plantation, natural stones kab.Banjar local specialty, natural and antiques field, etc. ( more information call us back)
Bank Date: Bank Syariah Mandiri kcp. Martapura No. Rekening : 0267054641 a/ n. Hasni Sofyan
Address : Jl.Melati No.103 Lihung- Karang-Intan Kab.Banjar Kal-Sel 70661 Indonesia
Booking of Foreign Affairs, send an appropriate financial prices of goods + shipping via western union Rp.200.000. sms the code-making and financial reservations via phone: + 6285249394110
Next Website : ( 1) intan-martapura
( 2) http: / / ( 3) http: / / ( 4) http: / / ( 5) http: / / ( 6) http: / / ( 7) ( all web type with no space)

Major Products / Services

Seller :
  • Jasa dan Perdagangan
    Pengisian ilmu Tenaga Dalam dari ilmu Tanah Banjar-Kalimantan “Perisai Raga taqwa” yang insya Allah berguna untuk keselamatan, kewibawaan, pagar gaib rumah/ toko, dan macam2 manfaat lainnya
    Tersedia juga barang2 khas Kalimantan, bermacam2 batu-batu alam berbagai corak warna yang bisa untuk souvenir, dll obat2an tradisional dari akar-akar dan kayu2an khas daerah untuk segala macam penyakit
    juga hasil bumi/ perkebunan seperti jahe, kemiri, laos dalam jumlah sedang

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