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Mr. Hasni Sofyan [Owner/Entrepreneur]

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Y!: hasni 
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Phone number of Mr. Hasni Sofyan at Martapura Kab. Banjar

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Mobile number of Mr. Hasni Sofyan at Martapura Kab. Banjar


Jalan Melati No.103 Lihung Kec.Karang Intan
Martapura Kab. Banjar 70661, Kalimantan Selatan

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Uang Antik/Bertuah

Uang Antik/BertuahBerbagai macam uang antik dan bertuah, mulai dari uang kertas bergambar almarhum Presiden Soekarno & Soeharto, hingga koin Diponegoro
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Uang Soekarno


Money can be rolled Sukarno in 1954 itself Rp.100 fractions. red and green colors. Inshallah efficacy for pelarisan, prosperity, safety, domestic tranquility, etc. masing2 Mahar....
Koin Diponegoro 25 sen Th.1952


This coin denominations picture of Prince Diponegoro 25 cents, in 1952. There are 4 kinds with 3 different kinds of images behind, namely rice cotton 2 pieces, one month and star....
Uang terbitan Khusus Alm. Bapak Soeharto

Rp.500.000 / 1.000.000

50, 000 cash special issue of former President Suharto' s picture
there are 2-year publishing one. 1993: plastic 2. 1995: normal paper
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