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Angkringan Ki Asem

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Angkringan Ki Asem
Angkringan Ki Asem
Company Profile
Company Contact
Name:Mr. Sartono Suwarno [Director/CEO/General Manager]
E-mail:Send Message
Instant Messaging:
Y!: sartono_finance 
Mobile Number:Mobile number of Mr. Sartono Suwarno at bekasi utara
Phone Number:Phone number of Mr. Sartono Suwarno at bekasi utara
Fax Number:Fax number of Mr. Sartono Suwarno at bekasi utara
Address:Tytyan kencana blok E4 No.22 margamulya
bekasi utara 17142, Jawa Barat
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Registration Date:May. 24, 2023
Last Updated:Sep. 19, 2011
Business Nature:Trade, Service of Home Supplies category

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Company Brief

A business that starts from a collection of young Solo & Yogyakarta, with a Certificate of Business No: 500 / 16.K.MM / VI / 2010, when the situation of the country in conditions of economic crisis, Angkringan ki Asem ( ASEM name is taken from the name of the founder Agus semedi ) makes the concept of semi-traditional restaurant, which gives freedom for dining, meeting & chatting Ngalor ngidul. Angkringan itself is taken from the word " perched / NoNgKrOnG / KONGKOW"

Angkringan Ki Asem make the first free restaurant concept, which is more pleasant, spacious parking, cleanliness, toilets and the theme is old restaurant, with a franchise system is expected to be the largest Resto at Jabodetabek

Herewith our outlet:
1. Perum Tytyan kencana - Bekasi
2. Perum Wisma Asri - Bekasi
3. Perumnas 3 - Bekasi
4. Perumnas 2 - Bekasi
5. Jl. Pekayon 1 ( Before Naga Supermart) - Bekasi
6. Jl Rawa Lumbu - Narogong - Bekasi
7. Jl. Agus salim - Bekasi
8. Jl. Pejuang jaya - Bekasi
9. Jl. Pondok Timur Raya - Bekasi
10. Perumnas 1 - Bekasi
11.Bintara - Bekasi
12. Rawa Bebek- Bekasi
13. Kalisari - Pasar rebo -Jaktim
14. Serang ( will be open soon)
15. Kalibata ( will be open soon)
16. Kuningan ( will be open soon)
17. Ciracas ( will be open soon)
18. Tebet ( will be open soon)
19. Mampang ( will be open soon)
20. Rawamangun ( will be open soon)


Management angkringan:
Tytyan kencana blok E4 No.22 Margamulya bekasi utara west java Indonesia 17142
phone/ fax 62218877940 mob: 6287877180222 email: sartono72@ gmail.com, facebook: angkringankiasem

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