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Mr. Rusdi / Eka
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Mobile number of Mr. Rusdi / Eka at SIDOARJO
SIDOARJO, Jawa Timur

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Language: English Indonesia

Registration Date: May. 24, 2023 Last Updated: Aug. 2, 2010

Business Nature: Manufacturing, Trade, Service of Industrial Supplies category

Company Brief

CV.AMIRAH JAYA GEMILANG We are a company engaged in the construction, repair or ship containers, making miniatures, General Installation and General Trading Our motto is Customer Satisfaction is Number One and all our workmanship warranty to maintain customer confidence and satisfaction

Major Products / Services

  • Perbaikan Kontainer, Membuat Kontainer Office, Perbaikan kapal, mekanikal dan elektrikal
    Kami adalah perusahaan yang berkecimpung dalam jualbeli kontainer, Kapal , pembuatan miniatur, perbaikan kontainer dan kapal , pembuatan kontainer office , semuanya dikerjakan dengan profesional dan sesuai motto kami Kepuasaan pelanggan adalah prioritas pertama kami.

    We are a company engaged in the sale and purchase of containers, ships, making miniatures, container and ship repair, container manufacture of office, everything is done professionally and in accordance with our motto of customer satisfaction is our first priority.
  • Lemari Pendingin atau Cold Storage
    Perusahaan kami juga dapat memperbaiki dan membuat lemari pendingin untuk menyimpan sayuran, daging, ikan, agar tetap segar dalam waktu yang lama, baik untuk makanan penyimpanan di darat dan di kapal untuk, semuanya dilakukan secara profesional dan sesuai dengan moto kami kepuasan pelanggan adalah prioritas pertama kami.

    Our company also can improve and make refrigerators for storing vegetables, meat, fish, to keep them fresh in a long time, both for food storage are on land and on ships for, everything is done professionally and in accordance with our motto of customer satisfaction is our first priority.

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