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DEFINITIONS AND SIN charity jariah image Assallamu' allaikum mass n ' miss sadayana. Often we hear a word that is charity. Charity in Arabic means the charity that flows. Its definition is, good deeds will be rewarded for that to do so, although he has been in the hereafter. The reward of deeds continue to flow to him for those who live to follow or utilize the results of his deeds when in the world. This is where the advantages of charity than any other deeds only be rewarded once in a deed. The word ' charity' can be applied to all external work, such as praying, paying Zakat, Hajj, and social activities. Can also be applied to the inner act, as was the intention, faith in Allah, be patient endure, cope with exams, and so forth. Silence does not carry out acts that are prohibited Allah SWT can also be called charity. The word " jariah " likened to water that continuously flows from its source endlessly. Popular as a basic postulate the existence of charity is the hadith of Abu Hurairah that explains that the Prophet SAW said, " If the son of Adam ( man) died, then terputuslah all ( reward) deeds are but three kinds of action, namely jariah charity, beneficial knowledge and righteous children who pray. " ( HR. Muslim) . The third charity is as follows: 1. Alms jariah, namely diwakafkan treasure. In Islamic law, endowments defined as the detention of an asset ( not for sale, not granted, and not inherited) . Then the benefits of the asset given to the interests of Muslims. 2. Science beneficial, that science is taught to another person and that other person use it for the benefit of life both individually and collectively. During taught science was used by people, during the same reward that flows to teach it in the afterlife. 3. Children are praying for godly parents. Virtuous son is a good boy-good. Not only children, but also entered in this category offspring as grandchildren and so on. Aside from the three types of action above, there are again some kind of action belonging to the charity. In another narration, the Prophet said: " Indeed, among the good deeds that bring reward after a person who did it dies is the science dissemination, child soleh left behind, Manuscripts ( religious books) are passed on, the mosque is constructed, the house is built to lodge people who were on the way. river supplies to be for the benefit of people crowded, and treasure disedekahkannya " ( Hadith riwaya Ibn Majah) . Come on, now we peel more detail. 1. Science disseminate: Disseminating useful knowledge, either through formal education ( such as schools, universities) and informal education as a scientific conversation, Tazkirah in mosques, public lectures, program propaganda and so on. Included in this category is to write useful books, writing books of religious books and disseminate educational materials Islam through the articles tazkira samaada on facebook or blog. 2. Children abandoned soleh: Namely to educate children to become pious child. Children who soleh will always do good in the world. According to this hadith, the good done by a pious child reward up to the parents who educated who have died without reducing the value or reward received by the children earlier. Prayer pious son to his parents efficacious in Allah SWT. 3. Mushaf ( religious books) were passed on: Pass on the holy book the Koran, the book of Koran interpretation, Manuscripts ( religious books) to people who can use it for the good of themselves and society. While these books used as reading material and references the person donating will receive the quest reward. So if mass n ' miss had books or that Islamic helpful and rarely happen to read and still in good condition, it would be nice if the donated at the library masjid.Kebiasaan our society is often made Yasin book while warning the death of a thousand family members to donate to members of the congregation ... and according masshar Yasin was also nice and useful. 4. The mosque is constructed: Build a mosque. The case is in harmony with the words of the Prophet Muhammad who intends, " Those who build a mosque because God even as small whatever, then Allah will raise him a house in heaven " ( Hadith Bukhari and Muslim) . People who build the mosque would receive a reward like the reward of those who do acts of worship at the mosque. Including mewakafkan land for coaching mosque. 5. The house is built to lodge people who were on the way: Building a house or a cottage traveler for people who bermusafir for good deeds is a very in demand. Everyone who use it, either for a short rest or for overnight and other uses that are not for immoral, would drain the reward to the person who membinanya ( not the hotel business ya know) . 6. River which supplies to be for the benefit of people crowded: Drain well and clean water to places where people who need it or dig wells in place that are often impassable or inhabited crowded. After draining the water that died and the water was still flowing and preserved from defilement and exploited people living then he reward that continues to flow. The more crowded the more people who use it receives the reward in the hereafter. Prophet said, " Whoever build a pond and drunk by a thirsty genie or a bird, then Allah will give him a reward later on the Day of Resurrection. " ( Hadith of Ibn riwaya Khuzaimah and Ibn Majah) . 7. treasure disedekahkannya: Menyedekahkan sebahagian treasure. Alms were given outright will bring reward doubled. In addition to property given as alms, as well as donating land for the development of Islamic education, orphan homes, burial ground and home oarng people elderly ( nursing homes) .Selagi land is used for the good of the quest will reward the giver of the donated land. Prophet said: " Verily alms it really can extinguish hot grave for the culprit, the real believers later in the day Judgment only shelter in the shade of alms ( Hadith History Al-Tabarani) . So, Dole can be made as intercessors for the culprit. In the grave he gets coolness thanks to donate and avoid the heat of the grave. Similarly, in the Day of Judgment, he will get the auspices of charitable alms, but when it most humans are in heat matchless. In another hadith mentioned that The charity can resist the wrath of God. This is exactly what Islam wants, namely the rich to help the poor. It was only meaningful and useful any property owned world. What does it mean if we do not treasure abundant alms. Prophet lifelong very idealize benefactors who are not griping to donate his property to the path of goodness. With the fact that also shaped the motivation for his people, the king Prophet advised us: " Hand the above is better than hand down, and hand over to give, hand under like to ask. " ( Hadith Bukhari, Muslim and Abu Dawud) . Forward jariah charity because this is the kind of practice that quest instance river water flowing to the believers who do their Samasa still live in the world or when it has died. Is there any sin jariah ? ? ? Mass miss gentlemen, this question never came out of his pen to one teacher at a television talk show. And from the chaplain replied, " No " . As in the beginning I said that the word itself means jariah flow. So whatever it is either good or evil is certainly no return. For jariah sin itself mean how? Well, you certainly never and often heard the story - the story of the first through the history books of Islam. There are many narrated, as an example of the pharaohs. Anyway ... the pharaoh himself is the title of the kings of Egypt when itu.kalau in china known as dinasti..dan at the time the story of the prophet Moses who reigns is menepthan ( hopefully not one reference to) . We already know that the pharaohs build pyramid for prayer ( the worship of the gods) and also to grave ssndiri..nah if since the Pharaoh died and many people pray there and continue the tradition of this bagaimana..tentunya is a sin that will be sustainable ... now just select, build mosques anything immoral place ? ? ? One more who would I mentioned is a tradition. Who started the ritual offerings, ask the watchman haunted tree for example, or offering sea nglarung kidul for example ... it is clear shirk or associating partners with God .. Those who are still doing it and carry that tradition then he will get jariah sin or sins that continue to flow to him. So if mass n ' miss all like to try things that strangely odd, start now to think of it first deh , . Contrary to law or would be a sin tidak..takutnya jariah. So be careful yaa ... May be the one we make our own tradition in the family, who all right too much kog..misalnya joint annually participate Sacrifice, or any birthday celebration with orphans and all charity ... and so forth. What is the difference between charity and shodaqoh Shodaqoh / alms narrow meaning in the sense of adl zakat.Sebagaimana Dlm QS at-Tawbah: 60 on 8 groups are eligible to receive zakat. Also hadith as follows: DJ3 AJ -( HD' + E1 5/ B) -* I J( D: .E3) # H3B Cut no obligation of zakat pd biji2an and dates of up to 5 wasaq ( Muslim) . While charity in the sense of broad, covering: - Do justice thd 2 parties - Helping older vehicles org - Ucapan2 fine day ( kalimah thoyibah) - Each step towards a place of prayer - Get rid of the disorder in the streets ( Muslim) So it could be underlined that the fundamental difference is: - If the charity rewards keep flowing while there are still people who use it. - While alms reward only once at the time only ( it meaning easy) . | ||
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