we have fertilizer urea in 10000 mt/ month, pls contact for more infos.
suplayer shoes and sandals, also as personal act as trader , we have product like CPO/ crude palm oil, wood, and many others , just let me know what kind of product u looking for, we have group of....
Ordinary Portland Cement ( OPC) 42.5 June 2005 prices At this time we offer Portland Cement 42.5 for sale: QUANTITY FFDLC FFDLC Packing 50 Kg Bag Bulk 12, 500 MT US$ 64.00 US$ 61.00 100, 000 MT US$ ....
Organic Fertilizer, microbiologic content with Actinomycetes, Streptomycetes, Fotosyntetic bacteria and Lactobacillus. No Vibrio cholerae, shigella, salmonella and E. coli.
Sole Distributor for organic fertilizer for Indonesia Raya. Bio Green fertilizer is a trade mark from Cheil Samsung, multi national company with overall production of 2.000 ton capacity monthly.....
We have Steam Coal ready in stock with category as follows: - Category : Low calorific value of coal - Grass calorific value : 5800 kcal/ kg - Category : High calorific value of coal - Grass calorific....
We are a trading company which based on Australia. We sell Steam Coal origin Indonesia. We also sell Organic Fertilizer and Inorganic Fertilizer origin Australia.
We serviced coffee, organic fertiilizer with the technology which can keep the beauty of nature. Service and your satisfaction is our priority. If you interested in, Please call us. Contact person : ....
Ornafert D: organic fertilizer for orchid in vegetative phase.
We are distributing organic fertilizer for orchids, liquid composs, pellet, green manure, bonsai fertilizer, water treatment microba, liquid organic fertilizer and other agriculture products. Mainly....