trading, minerals, mechanical design, sodium bentonite, calcium bentonite, zeolite, diatomite, upgrade iron sand content, mineral fertilizer , cari investor/ kerjasama utk explorasi & exploitasi....
Agro Industry, designer mechanical and environment control.
Complete Organic Fertilizer SUBUR IJO ( R) , is pure concentrate organic fertili- zer with complete elements, safe for environment, user and useful for increasing of leaf and stem production and....
1) Plant, sale and buy of anthurium such as jenmanii, wave of love, raffles, hookeri, cristhallinum, etc.( Seeds, Plantations) 2) Farm of Fresh Water Lobster ( LAT) such as Red Claw Lobster, clarky
we sell product rice, mangoo, and other like tea
Our Company has establish since 2003 on dec. our focusing bussines in agro( fertilizer supplay, trading on basic need) , we olso have trading an production on textile industries. such a trading on....
This Tropical Traditions Virgin Coconut oil is a truly unrefined coconut oil. This coconut oil is made in Rumbai from organic coconuts. Coconuts are used ripe on the trees from small family farms in....
Trading, Supplier, and Forwarder Product: Agriculture product: VCO, Coconut Fiber, Coconut Shell, Champignon, etc.
Fish & Shrimp Products. Produces medicine & nutritional suplement for fish & shrimp in clear water & marinal.
SediniĀ ® Green Tea Satisfied result and benefit had felt by people who has consume SediniĀ ® Green Tea. Composition : Each 100 gr of Green Tea contains 24 gr Protein, 10, 6 gr Fiber, 35, 2 gr Sugar....
CV Kencana Prima founded at 1995 at Bandung City that was most popular as " paris van java and flower city" . For the reason to expand marketing areas, we open representative office at Bali. The other....
fertilizer NPK 15-15-15 product Petrokimia Gresik packeging with zak @ zak : 50Kg
festilizer and agriculture equipment company in Banjarmasin. establish from 2003.
supplier for oil, gas and fertilizer company
Festiva Scarlet Pimpernell June Bride White Queen Carolyn Whorton Pink Cloud Galaxy Mrs. Arno Nehrling White Christmas Fire Chief Red Flash Fannie Munson Mrs. FM Joyner Rosebud Mrs. WB Halderman....
Our company are manufacturer and supplier Coconut shell powder. For order not hesitate to contact us.
bermacam-macam pestisida untuk pertanian seperti tanaman padi, karet, hama tanaman juga pupuk dan sebagainya
we the grocery shop and at retail selling assorted [ of] product [ of] like product pertanian, kitab2 religion islam, topi, peci, tambang, onderdil and sepeda, oli motor medium and others
Anthurium Jenmanii anakan baru disemai umur 1 bulan berdaun satu dan dua dengan ukuran sangat kecil
Distributor of adversity plants and flowers, vegetables, seeds and fertilizers wholesale and other