There are two item ' Bio subur' Bio Subur 1 for Fertilizer and Natural pesticide. Bio Subur 2 for fish and home animal like cow, ship.
Produce and Supplier organic fertilizer, Supplier organic rice.
NPK KELAPA SAWIT Nitrogen ( N) 12, 54% , Phospat ( P205) 20, 00% , Kalium ( K20) 12, 63% , Kadar Air 0, 74% IZIN DEPTAN G314/ DEPTAN-PPI/ VII/ 2007 SUCOFINDO
POLYMER â € “ C-592 NPK. Green Farm Fertilazer( .... PJ, CRJ, Turi Sesbania, Sengon, Trembesi, Gamelina Pupuk HUMAT-N etc SARLON NETT. Coconut Jut / Cocomesh....
We sell Gula Semut / Gula Aren ( Palm Sugar) in large or small scale, with good quality, clean and 100% pure palm extract. For palm sugar also we serve.
Agrominapratama is peripatetic effort body in the field of agribusiness, formulator and also dealer fertilize and pesticide, providing agriculture product and appliance, seed with quality, as....
we are produce flexible packaging for many kinds of your product like pharmaceutical, pesticide, food packaging, rice, standing pouch, and many more, we are consist in customer service quality.
pumps, blowers, vacuum pumps hyosung ebara pumps/ korea : centrifugal pumps bornemann pumps/ germany : rotary / screw pumps bran luebbe pumps/ germany : chemical injection pumps tuthill pumps/ ....
Our company is engaged in the procurement of salt ( bulk salt and fine salt) , iodine and Non-Iodized, Imports and Local, both for industry and consumption. In addition, we are involved in the....
o) Increased agricultural production can be achieved through appropriate technology approach, among others, by applying a balanced fertilizer technology specific location. Currently, the....
Every day, thousands of tons of organic material in the form of food produced in rural farms and gardens were sent to the city for public consumption. Consumption pattern and level of post-harvest....
Bregadium Soil Neutralizer is a formula for soil research expert Agriculture, Hypernano Technology and Bio Technology. It works to mantain and improve the soil structure, to gain the nutrients soil....
Agen product pupuk cair organik merk Bregadium
PT. Sampurna ABADI Follows: Official Manufacturer Organic Fertilizer plus incentive grows with Brand TOP FARMERS leaf extract made from leaves of herbs that can fertilize plants at once capable of....
Organic liquid fertilizer ( POC) first made from the leaves of the herbal extract that is able to fertilize crops and also able to control plant pests so that farmers' crops become more leverage. ....
CV.MARROS LESTARI is a private company, producer MARROS Bio-Ferti, MARROS Bio-Activa, MARROS Bio-Degra, MORGANIK-SR, MORGANIK-Reguler, MORGENTA-5 and MORGENTA-8
Granular Organic Fertilizer The composition : C Organik 12.6 % C/ N ratio 10 - 25 pH 4 - 8 Humidity maks. 12% Standard equal or more than Petrokimia Gresik
We are established since 2010, as the follow of our business before ini : Indonesia Coconut Center and JJ Solusindo Inc. We have the task as marketing for their products.
â € ¢ We provide prime quality ginger, because we just planted the seeds of best ginger at an altitude 1500 metres above sea level; â € ¢ Organic, fertilizers that we use for our plants come from....
We are UD. Leone Business Lancar, addressed in Cilincing Sukapura Mawar No.13 North Jakarta, is a company engaged in the supplier and trading. As for the goods available to us are: â € ¢ Palm Sugar, ....
Alkyd Enamel Acrylic Polyurethane Protective Coatings Marine Coating
General Supplier & General Contractor, Painting Specialist & Distributor.
The company of fasility : Service Hotel Service Transportation Contractor Fasility of spear pack macine FAsility of Office Onderdile