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CV. Citra Pelangi Nusantara
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    Bregadium Soil Neutralizer

    Rp. 120.000
    Quantity Order:
    Payment Method:
    Telegraphic Transfer (T/T)
    Pack. & Delivery:
    1 liter / botol

    Specification :

    Bregadium Soil Neutralizer is a formula for soil research expert Agriculture, Hypernano Technology and Bio Technology. It works to mantain and improve the soil structure, to gain the nutrients soil and to trigger the growth of microbial soil fertility for agriculture crops and plantation. Use of Bregadium Soil Neutralizer on agricultural land can improve the quality and quantity of agricultural products. It canbe applied on all types of soil; Alluvial, Andosols, Glei, Grumosol, Latosol, Mediterranean, Organosol, Podsolic, and Regosol.

    Highly recommended use of Bregadium Soil Neutralizer on agricultural land soil management is supposed to increase soil pH, because most agricultural land in Indonesia in the category of acid soils.

    How to Use:

    Mix 1 liter Bregadium Soil Neutralizer with 400 liters of water ( ratio 1: 400) , stirring until blended. Spray / pour the solution evenly on the processing of agricultural or horticultural land. Giving Bregadium Soil Neutralizer solution on agricultural land or plantations made 2 days before planting seeds or seedlings. This is done to improve soil structure and maximize the growth of seedlings or seeds of plants. GivingBregadium Soil Neutralizer periodically pisan agriculture and plantations canmaintain and improve soil fertility. Total Soil Neutralizer Bregadium of one bottle ( 1 liter) per 1 hectare of land for food crops.

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