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 Products Catalog:Gunting galah, gergaji dahan, HP 0813 803 27507, email : k111222444@ yahoo.com, HP 0812 103 604 79  Products Catalog:Gergaji Dahan, HP 0813 803 27507, email : k111222444@ yahoo.com, HP 0812 103 604 79  Products Catalog:watering, irrigation, greenhouse, green house, sprinkler, fittings, filter, sprays & jet, Dripper, & Riser, Sprinklers, pop ups, mulsa, plastik mulsa, plastik polibag, polyback, wadah bibit, baki perkecambahan, kereta sorong wheel barraw,  Products Catalog:Irigasi tetes, Drip Irrigation, Irigasi tetes, Hose, Timer, Pump, etc : HP 0813 803 27507, email : k111222444@ yahoo.com, HP 0812 103 604 79  Products Catalog:Pisau Okulasi, Budding Knife : , HP 0813 803 27507, email : k111222444@ yahoo.com, HP 0812 103 604 79  Products Catalog:Shading Net, Insect net mesh, green house, Paranet, shading net, mulsa, polibag, polybag, Mulsa, Plastik UV 6% , 14% , Kasa Net, Irrigation Tube sprinkler. www.alatpertanians.com  Products Catalog:Fogging Machine, Mist Blower, Power Sprayer, Spayer, Hand Sprayer Semi Automatic, ULV, Cold Fogger, Ultra Low Volume,  Products Catalog:Moisture Tester, Divider, Seed Counter, Threshers, Bin Indicator, Scales Balances, Timbangan, Germinator, Grain Seed Cleaner, Grain Grading Equipment, Huller etc : Telp 021 70748483, karyamitrausaha@ yahoo.com  Products Catalog:Boat, Rubber Boat, Inflatable Boat, Perahu Karet, Rafting Boat, dayung, Pompa Air, helm, tali lempar, www.perahu karet.com, 0813 803 28 072 Harry  Products Catalog:Greenhouse, Green house, Screen house, Screenhouse, Shadinghouse, Shading house, : email : k00044400@ yahoo.com, HP 081380327507  Products Catalog:Tubidity Meter, Turbidy , Tubidimeter HP 0815 9935009, www.karyamitra.co.id  Products Catalog:Pompa Air, Water Pump, Equipment, Sanitation Equipment, Agricultural Equipment. www.alatperikanan.com  Products Catalog:High Pressure Cleaner, Jet Cleaner, Pressure, Mesin Pembersih, Mesin Vacuum Jalan 021 70748483.www.alat teknik.com  Products Catalog:mesin pertanian, mesin perikanan, mesin industri kecil, mesin mesin perkebunan : email : karyamitrausaha@ yahoo.com : telp 021 70748483. www.mesinpertanian.net  Products Catalog:Mesin Potong Rumput, Paddy Mower, Paddy Reaper, Pemotong Rumput, Brush Cutter, Pruner, Pruning, Limbing / limber, cutting gullies and inclines. www.alatpertanians.com  Products Catalog:Munsell Soil Colour Chart, www.karyamitra.co.id, email : karyamitrausaha@ yahoo.com  Products Catalog:COD, BOD, TOC, TSS, pH, conductivity, Spetrophotometer, DO, turbidity, EC, salinity, hardness, current meter, plankton net, water sampler, oxygen meter, temperature, sound level meter, gas detector, thickness gauge, flowmeter, niskin kunsen van dorn etc.  Products Catalog:Screen House, Insect screen, Green House : email : k111222444@ yahoo.com, HP 0812 103 604 79  Products Catalog:DIGITAL SOIL, PH, TEMP LUX AND MOISTURE METER ( 4 IN 1) Soil pH tester, pH meter, pH indicator, Handheld Meter, ph tanah Benchtop meters, tHERMOHYGROGRAPH, TAISHO, 081387587112 Marglory e mail : k000333999@ yahoo.com 082110058977 email : k000777555@ yahoo  Products Catalog:Penakar Hujan, Rain Gauge, Heilman Rain Gauge, OBS Rain Gauge, Automatic Digital Rain Gauge, : 021 70748483, k00011100@ yahoo.com  Products Catalog:SOLO sprayer, Knapsack sprayer Model 425, Yoto, Swan, Midori, Tasto, Tasco, Hand sprayer e mail : k111222555@ yahoo.com, Hp 082112015928om  Products Catalog:Benih Padi, Bibit Padi, Type kelas BS dan FS tersedia kemasan 1Kg, 2Kg dan 5Kg, 20kg : telp 021 75433316, Fax 021 7543281  Products Catalog:Aqua Boy Moisture Meter, Aquaboy Cocoa Moisture Meter KAM III, Hp: 081380328072, 021 37699537 Email : k00011100@ yahoo.com  Products Catalog:Dickey John Multi Grain Moisture Meter, High Quality Moisture, BEST Moisture Meter, Hp: 081380328072 Email : k00011100@ yahoo.com  Products Catalog:Aqua Boy Moisture Meter, Aquaboy Cocoa Moisture Meter KAM III : e mail : k111222555@ yahoo.com  Products Catalog:Supply Bio Ethanol, Bio etanol, Fuel Grade Ethanol FGE, Technical Spirit Grade, Gasohol, C2H2OH, Supply Machine, Bio ethanol 99% , Gluko Amilase, Alpha Amilase, Chemical Dehidration CaO, Telp 021 70748483, k00011100@ yahoo.com  Products Catalog:Juice Dispenser, Jus dispenser Telp 0251 7543316, Fax 0251 7543281, karyamitrausaha@ yahoo.com, k000333999@ yahoo.com  Products Catalog:Es krim, Ice cream Machine, Soft ice cream Telp 0251  7543316, Fax 0251  7543281, karyamitrausaha@ yahoo.com  Products Catalog:Sekop, Shovel, : hubungi email : k111222555@ yahoo.com Telp 082112015928  Products Catalog:Cangkul, Cangkol, Pacul Cap Ayam, Cap Buaya, Cap Gajah, Cap Matahari: k111222555@ yahoo.com, Telp 082112015928  Products Catalog:ph meter, DO, Conductivity Meter, Turbidity, Sound Level, Tachometer, Vibration Meter, Gas Detector, Anemometer, Humidity Meter, Thermometer, Infrared Thermometer Lux Ligh Meter, Speed Meter, Infiltrometer, Current Meter, Opacity, etc  Products Catalog:KETT Moisture Meter, PM 410, PM 600, FD 720, FD 800, FM 300A,  Products Catalog:Hiblow pompa ikan pompa aquamax, fountain nozzle, bitro UV clarifier, lampu celup, prefromed pond, biotech filter chamber, pndovac 3 vacuum kolam, EHEIM sludge extractor, chiller aquarium teco refrigeration TAKATSUKI HI BLOW  Products Catalog:Vaccine Cooler, Vacine Storage, Tempat Vaksin, vaccine cooler tenaga matahari : karyamitrausaha@ yahoo.com, telp 0251 7543316  Products Catalog:Paddle Wheel Aerator, Menaikkan kadar Oksigen dalam Air kolam tambak Udang : karyamitrausaha@ yahoo.com  Products Catalog:Agrek, Egrek, Dodos, Harvesting Tools, sickle, chisel, axe, kampak, parang, knife, Professional Harvesting Tools, High Quality Tools, Alat Pemanen Kelapa Sawit, e mail : karyamitrausaha@ yahoo.com, admin@ karya mitra.com  Products Catalog:Cangkol, cangkul, hoe, parang, pisau, golok, badik, palm oil harvesting tools, kampak, belencong, golok, bor tanah, garpu, sekoparit, sabit, gunting, gunting stek : 0251 7543316, karyamitrausaha@ yahoo.com,  Products Catalog:Fogging Machine, Fogging Machine, Fogging Machine, Fogging Machine. www.fogging machine.com  Products Catalog:Rotronic Water Activity Meter, AW Meter, Water Activity Meter, Telp 021 70748483, HP 0813 83 190 190  Products Catalog:sea doo dolphin sea scooter Seadoo Sea Scooter Dolphin e mail ; karyamitrausaha@ yahoo.com, Telp 0251 7543316, 021 70748483, HP 0815 9935009  Products Catalog:Digital Moisture Meter for Soil, tobacco, paper, wood fiber, cotton paper, r Telp 0251 7538483, Fax 0251 7543281, karyamitrausaha@ yahoo.com. www.alat teknik.com  Products Catalog:Perahu Karet, Perahu PVC, Sport Set, Three Person Boat Set, Inflatable Boat. www.perahu karet.com,  Products Catalog:Germinator, penggunduhan biji, tugal, dibble, pisau okulasi, gunting dahan, stek, sprinkler, Box Kultur Jaringan, rak tingkat, bag closer, power threser, pemisah benih, seed grinder, trier padi, jagung, seed grinder, plastic sealer, dll HP 0815 9935009  Products Catalog:Water Activity Meter, AW Meter, Pocket Water Activity Meter, PAW, Rotronic,  Products Catalog:G WON, Moisture Meter, Grain Moisture Meter : GMK 303, 303RS, GMK 307C, GMK320, GMK 508 1L, Hp: 081380328072 Email : k00011100@ yahoo.com  Products Catalog:Popcorn Machine, HP 021 70748483, email : k00011100@ yahoo.com  Products Catalog:Leaf Area Index, LAI, Destructive LAI, Non Destructive LAI, Plant Canopy Analyzer LAI 2200 : karyamitrausaha@ yahoo.com, www.alat teknik.com 
Alat Pertanian CV. MESIN ALAT PERTANIAN 021- 70748483,  0251- 7543316,  www.alatpertanian.net.
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Alat Pertanian CV. MESIN ALAT PERTANIAN 021- 70748483, 0251- 7543316, www.alatpertanian.net.
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ALAT PERTANIAN DAN MESIN PERTANIAN TERLENGKAP www.mesinalatpertanian.com, www.alatpertanians.com
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Products Catalog

COD, BOD, TOC, TSS, pH, conductivity, Spetrophotometer, DO, turbidity, EC, salinity, hardness, current meter, plankton net, water sampler, oxygen meter, temperature, sound level meter, gas detector, thickness gauge, flowmeter, niskin kunsen van dorn etc.
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Salinity, conductivity, Dissolved oxygen do, turbidity, current meter, geolistrik, resistivity, piezometer, vibration meter, water sampler, ph meter, theodolite, water level, altimeter, GPS, compass, rite in the reain, soil munsell colour, Laboratory, Testing Instrument, Soil Test, Water Test, Environment Monitor
Ammonia Test Kit
Analytical Balance
Atomic Absorption
Balances Scales
Baths Ultrasonic
Baths Water Oil
Biohazard Hoods
Biohazard Safety Cabinet
Blenders Mixers Stirrers
BOD Analyzer
BOD Meter
Bombs Calorimeter
Brookfield Viscometers
Calibration Equipment
Chemistry Analyzers
Chromatography Gas
Clean Benches
Climatic Testing Chamber
CO2 Incubators
Coal Analyzer
Coating Tester Equipment
Coating Thickness
COD Chemical Oygen Demand
COD Meter
Colony Counters
Color Testing
Colour Analyzer
Colour Measuring
Compression Testers
Conductivity Meters
Data Logger
Dew Point Meter
Diaphragm Vacuum Pump
Diluters Dispensers
Dissolved Oxygen Meter
Dissulation Tester
Distilling Water
DO Meter
Dry Blocks
Drying Racks
Elemental Analyzers
Environmental Chambers
Extraction Fat Fiber
Flame Photometers
Flash Point Testers
Flaw Detector
Flow Transmitter
Food Tester
Force Gauge
Fraction Collectors
Freeze Dryers
Fume Hoods
Gas Analyzer
Gas Chromatographs
Gas Detector
Glassware Washers
Gloss Meters
Hand Refractometer
Hardness Testers
Heat Sealers
Heating Mantles
Hematocrit Centrifuge
Holiday Detector
Hoods Fume Exhaust
Hoods Laminar Flow
Hot Plates
Humidity meter
Ice Makers
Impact Tester
Infrared Spectro
Infrared Thermometer
ISE electrode
Jar Test
Karl Fischer Titrator
Kjeldahl Digestion
Lab Equipment
Lab Floculator
Lab Furniture
Laminar Flow Cabinet
Laminar Flow Cabinet
Leather Tester
Liquid Nitrogen
Lux Meter
Magnehelic Gauge
Magnetic Flowmeter
Magnetic Strirrer
Mass Flowmeter
Mass Spectrometers
Material Tester
Material Testing
Measuring Equipment
Melt Flow Index Tester
Melt Flow Indexer
Melting Point
Melting Point Apparatus
Mercury Analyzers
Metal Tester
Meteorology Equipment
Micro Balance
Micro Balancer
Milk Testing
Mixers Blenders Stirrers
Mixtures Gas
Moisture Tester
Moisture Testing
Muffle Furnaces
Nitrate Test Kit
Oil bath
Oil Filter
Oil Testing
Oxygen Analyzers
Oxygen Meters
Paint Mixer
Paint Shaker
Paint Testers
Paint Testing Equipment
Paper Tester
Parr Calorimeters
Particle Counters
Particle Size Analyzers
Petri Dish
Petroleum Distilation
Petroleum Equipment
Petroleum Tester
Petroleum Testing
pH Electrodes
pH Meters
Pipet Dryers and Washers
Plant Growth Chambers
Plastic Tester
Pressure Gauges
Pressure Regulators
Protein Analysis
Pulp Tester
Q-FOG Cyclic Corrosion Tester
QUV Weathering Tester
Refinery Analyzer
Refractive Index
Refrigerated Bath
Reverse Osmosis
RH Meter
Rotary Evaporator
Rotary Vacuum Pump
Rubber Tester
Salinity Meter
Salt Spray Analyzer
Salt Spray Tester
Scales Balances
Scientific Equipment
Scratch Tester
Shear Tester
Sieve Shaker
Sieve Test
Soil Test Kit
Soil Testing
Sound Level Meter
Sound Level Meter
Soxhlet Extraction
Spectro Fluorometers
Stereo Microcoscope
Stiffness Tester
Stirrers Blenders Mixers
Sugar Content
Sulphur Analyzers
Surface Tension
Survey Meter
Tablet Testers
Temperature Calibrator
Temperature Tester
Tensile Strength Tester
Testing Equipment
Textile Tester
Thermal Cyclers
Thermo Regulator
Thickness Gauges
Tissue Culture
Top Loading Balance
Torque Meter
Total Dissolved Solids TDS
Total Organic Carbon
Turbidity Meters
Turbine Flowmeter
Ultrasonic Cleaners
Ultrasonic Flaw Detector
Ultrasonic Tester
Universal Testing Machine
Urine Analyzers
UV Lamps
UV Sterilizer
Vacuum Gauge
Vacuum Gauges
Vacuum Pumps
Vacuum Pumps
Viscosity Analyzer
Vortex Mixers
Wall Thickness Meter
Water Baths
Water Dionizer
Water Purification
Water Sampler
Water Stills
Water Test Kit
Water Testing
Weathering Tester
Wood Mositure Tester
Wood Tester
Xenon Test Chamber
Zenon Tester
One Minute BOD, COD, TOC, TSS,
nitrates and surfactants
PASTEL UV is a unique instrument for the rapid estimation of water quality parameters including Biochemical Oxygen Demand ( BOD) , and Chemical Oxygen Demand ( COD) , Total Organic Carbon ( TOC) , Total Suspended Solids ( TSS) , nitrates and surfactants. The analysis takes one minute and does not require ancillary reagents.
The PASTEL UV is a uniquely designed portable spectrophotometer which works in the UV range of the light spectrum. It has a detector based on an array of 16 photodiodes and a patented self-cleaning quartz sample cell. A specially developed pulsed deuterium lamp is incorporated into the instrument combining excellent optical performace with long life and low power consumption. The analyzer can be calibrated to increase accuracy within a specific sample category such as industrial wastewaters. For additional applications a new baseline spectra can be custom developed to suit specific types of samples, requiring no reagents.
Elmasonic S
Ultrasonic Cleaning Units
The sum of all possibilities
Electronic time and temperature control
Autostart temperature-controlled / temperature pre-selection
High-performance transducer systems
Dry run proof ceramic heating
Quick degassing with Autodegas / Degas
Improved cleaning performance with Sweep
Safety switch-off
The Elmasonic S ultrasonic units offer practically every available technical feature. Now the units of the new series increase the ultrasonic effect further to obtain even better results. The materials used and the reliable technology prolong the service life of the units. The new design combines more functionality with modern looks.
The basis of nearly perfect cleaning processes with ultrasound is the Elma high-performance transducer system with 37 kHz. The Sweep function, developed in the Elma laboratories, guarantees a homogeneous sound . eld distribution by way of continuous shifting of the sound field maxima. The Degas function available on the new units accelerates very efficiently the degassing process in the cleaning liquid, particularly in freshly mixed baths. Autodegas is recommended before starting the cleaning process, Degas for special tasks. Both can be switched on by hand.
When used in tough permanent operation you will find that the new units with their functional design fully meet the demands of any cleaning task.
Elmasonic S Ultrasonic Units : Specific Features for All business sectors
Laboratory : Ultrasound cleans where ever the cleaning liquid can go. It is particularly suitable for the cleaning of laboratory instruments made of glass, plastic or metal. Elmasonic S units degass HPLC solutions, mix, disperse, emulsify and dissolve specimens.
Medical sector : Thorough cleaning of surgical, medical and of micro-instruments without damaging the material, or cleaning of rigid endoscopes and flexible endoscopic accessories.
Dental laboratory : Cleaning of instruments, removal of cement and plaster; cleaning of dental mould spoons, drills and prostheses. Cleaning of dentures, crowns and other prosthetic materials.
Jewellery : Cleaning and brightening up of gold, silver, platinum and fancy jewellery. Cleaning of precious, semiprecious and set stones.
Watch sector : Cleaning of watch cases, mechanical parts and metal bracelets. Cleaning of clockworks.
Optician : Cleaning of complete glasses and optics. Intensive cleaning of spectacle pads and joints.
Workshop and service : Intensive cleaning with alkaline, acid and neutral elma clean products in the workshop, for service works, for the final cleaning and ready for coating.
Industry : Cleaning in the mechanics, electronics and glass industries, automobile parts production and plating or other surface refinement processes. Gentle and intensive cleaning of items made of steel, light and non-ferrous metals, plastics and glass.
The special functions, features and advantages
The Elmasonic S units are available in 13 different sizes, ranging from 0.5 liter ( approx. 0.1 gal or 0.5 quart) up to 90 liter ( approx. 24 gal) . They are equipped with efficient 37 kHz ultrasonic high-performance transducers of the latest generation.
The optional dry run proof heating supports the cleaning process. The cleaning tanks are made of cavitation-resistant stainless steel.
The operating panel is user-friendly and arranged so that no liquid can enter the electronics.
The Degas function allows a quicker degassing of the cleaning liquid. Another advantage is the time-controlled „ Autodegas" function for the ef. cient degassing of freshly mixed cleaning liquids.
For safety reasons, the unit automatically switches off after 12 hours. The removable mains cable with mains plug allows easy and safe transportation. ( except S 450H & S 900H) .
Elmasonic S ultrasonic units in proven Elma quality „ Made in Germany" The cleaning process can be switched on by hand or automatically ( temperaturecontrolled) .
With the temperature turning knob the temperature can be set between 30° and 80° C in steps of 5° . Both set and actual temperature of the liquid are indicated by LED display. ( excl. S 10 / H) .
The newly developed cover reduces the noise and accelerates the heating-up process. When turned over, the cover can be used as drip-off basin. The collected cleaning liquid can be emptied back into the tank.
The set cleaning period and the remaining cleaning time are both indicated by LED display. ( excl. S 10 / H) .
The optional Sweep function guarantees an optimum sound field distribution in the cleaning bath due to a modulation of the frequencies.
The turning knob for the pre-selection of the cleaning period can be turned to permanent operation or short-time operation.
The turning knob on the side allows an easy draining of the cleaning liquid through the drain duct on the back of the unit.*
The carrying handles are made of ergonomically shaped plastic.*
Practical Accessory Equipment
The true value of carefully developed products will be appreciated as soon as they are used. We have expanded the well-known range of accessory equipment for the Elmasonic S series. Baskets with plastic coated handles, jewellery rack with 10 adjustable hooks, cooling coil, clasps for Erlenmeyer flasks or the new cover are practical little helpers.
Baskets for all unit sizes
Plastic cover, except S 450H & S 900H
Stainless-steel insert cover for 1 or 2 beakers
Acid-proof tanks or Hostalen tanks
Immersion baskets made of Hostalen or stainless steel
Instrument holder or test tube rack
Electric hot air dryer
Instrument holder for 1 liter solvent flasks HPLC
After more than 50 years, cleaning by ultrasound in all its complexity has now obtained a new meaning. The Elma range of standard ultrasonic cleaning equipment is the largest in the world. Based on longterm experience, innovative development and specific know-how Elma produces state-of-theart technology for all kinds of cleaning tasks. Elma is well known as solutions provider for even the most complicated applications.
And our reputation is not only based on the development and manufacturing of the equipment, but also on our service and support. We also develop and produce a wide range of special machinery for the watchmaker and jewellery sector. Today, Elma has over 200 employees. The company has been certified to DIN EN 9001 standard and represents a business which operates customer-oriented and guarantees product-reliability on a very high level. " Made by Elma Germany" – this is the motor of our motivation, precision, quality and our engineers‘ continued enthusiasm for new concepts.
Please contact us for the list of accessory equipment.
Specification :
Elmasonic S 10 / ( H ) Ultrasonic frequency 37 kHz
Tank volume 0, 8 l
Tank volume max. gal ( approx.) 0, 2
Tank internal dimensions WxDxH mm 190x85x60
Elmasonic S 15 / ( H) Ultrasonic frequency 37 kHz
Tank volume 1, 75 l
Tank volume max. gal ( approx.) 0, 5
Tank internal dimensions WxDxH mm 151x137x100
Elmasonic S 30 / ( H) Ultrasonic frequency 37 kHz
Tank volume 2, 75 l
Tank volume max. gal ( approx.) 0, 7
Tank internal dimensions WxDxH mm240x137x100
Elmasonic S 40 / ( H) Ultrasonic frequency 37 kHz
Tank volume 4, 25 l
Tank volume max. gal ( approx.) 1
Tank internal dimensions WxDxH mm 240x137x150
Elmasonic S 60 / ( H) Ultrasonic frequency 37 kHz
Tank volume 5, 75 l
Tank volume max. gal ( approx.) 1, 5
Tank internal dimensions WxDxH mm 300x151x150
Elmasonic S 70 / ( H) Ultrasonic frequency 37 kHz
Tank volume 6, 9 l
Tank volume max. gal ( approx.) 1, 8
Tank internal dimensions WxDxH mm 505x137x100
Elmasonic S 80 / ( H) Ultrasonic frequency 37 kHz
Tank volume 9, 4 l
Tank volume max. gal ( approx.) 2, 4
Tank internal dimensions WxDxH mm 505x137x150
Elmasonic S 100 / ( H) Ultrasonic frequency 37 kHz
Tank volume 9, 5 l
Tank volume max. gal ( approx.) 2, 5
Tank internal dimensions WxDxH mm 300x240x150
Elmasonic S 120 / ( H) Ultrasonic frequency 37 kHz
Tank volume 12, 75 l
Tank volume max. gal ( approx.) 3, 4
Tank internal dimensions WxDxH mm 300x240x200
Elmasonic S 180 / ( H) Ultrasonic frequency 37 kHz
Tank volume 18 l
Tank volume max. gal ( approx.) 4, 7
Tank internal dimensions WxDxH mm 327x300x200
Elmasonic S 300 / ( H) Ultrasonic frequency 37 kHz
Tank volume 28 l
Tank volume max. gal ( approx.) 7, 4
Tank internal dimensions WxDxH mm 505x300x200
Elmasonic S 450 / ( H) Ultrasonic frequency 37 kHz
Tank volume 45 l
Tank volume max. gal ( approx.) 11, 9
Tank internal dimensions WxDxH mm 500x300x300
Elmasonic S 900 / ( H) Ultrasonic frequency 37 kHz
Tank volume 90 l
Tank volume max. gal ( approx.) 23, 8
Tank internal dimensions WxDxH mm 600x500x300
pHotoFlex Series
Portable Photometers: Whatever the Application
With pHotoFlex and pHotoFlex Turb there is a new series of portable photometers, which have been designed especially for the use at changing locations. The pHotoFlex Series is outstanding due to it‘ s unique combination of several measuring parameters : Photometry, pH and Turbidity ( photoFlex Turb) .
The instruments are handy, robust battery driven models equipped with accurate optics by low power consumption. They can be changed over to run with rechargeable batteries and universal power plug or alternatively upgraded with a LabStation include rechargeable battery set for a comfortable data import and export.
More Test Kits!
At the same time, WTW has enhanced the product portfolio of available test kits: now, WTW is offering the practical powder pillow matching pHotoFlex, as well as new cuvette tests.
Special Features :
The combination of photometry+ pH+ turbidity
Smart adapter Technology : Fixed adapter for 28 mm and 16 mm round cuvettes with variable hight of 91-104 mm
Huge selection of varied test kits
Integrated pH-function
pHotoFlex Turb
Additionally turbidity measurement with IR-LED from 0-1100 NTU/ FNU according to DIN EN 27027, ISO 7027.
More Benefits and Features
Measurement of concentration, absorbance, transmission
User guidance on display, ideal for field use
More than 60 methods with on-going actualization and enhancement of usable test kits ( up to approx. 250)
Method- and software-update via Internet
Measurement of color according to EN ISO 7887: 1994
100 user-defined methods
Turbidity measurement with IR from 0-1100 NTU/ FNU;
Resolution: 0-9.99 NTU: 0.01; 10-99 NTU: 0.1 NTU; 100-1100 NT: 1 NTU
Calibration kit with retraceable AMCO® Standards ( 0.02 - 10 - 1000 NTU)
Measuring range 0-16, 00 ( + / - 0.01) for Standard-DIN pHelectrodes
Automatic temperature compensation ( -5.. + 100 ° C)
Automatic buffer recognition ( TEC/ NIST)
Wherever changing locations have to be analysed:
Water analysis ( Waste- and drinking Water, surface water)
Process Control
Beverage industry
Technical Data
6 wavelengths: 436, 517, 557, 594, 610, 690 nm with an accuracy < 2nm + IR ( Turb model)
Display: backlit and user guidance through measuring menus
1000 data sets can be stored, RS 232 Interface
IP 67 – water proof
Dimensions approx 236 x 86 x 117 mm
Weight: approx. 0, 6 kg ( without batteries)
Certificates: cETLus, CE, FCC; Guarantee 2 years
Environmental conditions: Storage - 25 ° C ... + 65 ° C; use 0 ° C ... + 50 ° C
Power Supply: Batteries 4 x 1, 5 V, Type AA for approx. 3000 measurements
Delivery package
pHotoFlex / pHotoFlex Turb
Single Instrument – battery model with 4 x 1, 5 V, Type AA Quick Guide and instruction with program listing for test methods, CD detailed manual, analytical descriptions and demo file; cuvette for zeroing, empty cuvettes.
pHotoFlex Turb
Additionally calibration kit with AMCO® Standards ( 0.02 – 10 – 1000 NTU) , cleaning tissues, empty cuvettes 28 mm
Optional Accessories
photoFlex RB, Rechargeable Battery Set Art.-Nr. 251 301
Rechargeable battery ( NiMH) , incl. universal power plug with Euro, US, UK and Australien plugs.
photoFlex LS, LabStation Art.-Nr. 251 301
Incl. Set pHotoFlex RB; plus software for easier use in the lab with loading function. Suitable to connect a hand-held scannern ( specialized trade, e.g. hand-held scanner model Datalogic DLC6065-M1 or Datalogic Touch65) .
pH: pH measurement incl. accessories see WTW selection in catalogue ; for example, the SenTix® 41 ( Art.-Nr. 103 635) being a more robust electrod, is a practical choice for occasional use. For a more frequent application, SenTix® 81( Art.-Nr. 103 642) with a higher need of maintainance can be used.
Atago Abbe Refractometers
Abbe Refractometers for low refractive index and high refractive index measurements. Atago Clinical Refractometers
Refractometers for use in clinical laboratory. Designed for clinical purposes: " Serum Protein" , " Specific Gravity of Urine" and " Refractive Index" .
Atago Digital Hand-Held Refractometer
Digital hand-held " Pocket" refractometer PAL series, won the Good Design Award for the year 2003. Atago Digital Hand-Held Refractometer Special Scale
Now we have released 80 new scales of Digital Hand-held " Pocket" Refractometer PAL series.
Atago Digital Refractometers
Digital Refractometers and Automatic Digital Refractometer with printers Atago Digital Salt-meter
The digital salt-meter, ES-421 employs a funnel-shaped sensor section ( conductivity ) , which measures the salt % of a sample very small sample needed.
Atago Gas Volume Tester
GVT-10 displays not only CO2 gas volume of a can or bottle of drinks directly but also pressure or temperature. Atago Hand-held Refractometers
Robust, practice and compact refactometers for any measurements
Atago In-line Refractometers
IN-LINE BRIX-MONITOR CM-780 and The PRM-85 is an ultimate In-line Refractometer with ATAGO' s updated cutting-edge technology. Atago Multi-wavelength Abbe Refractometers
Refractive index or Abbe number ( v d or v e ) can be measured at different wavelengths ranging from 450 to 1, 100nm
Atago Palette series
Digital refractometer Palette series, with upgraded for high measurement accuracy Atago Polarimeters or Saccharimeters
Polarimeter, which is known as an optical rotation meter, is an instrument to measure optical rotation of " optically active matter" such as saccharin, ascorbic acid and sodium glutamate.
Laboratory and Field Intrumentation for : pH, Conductivity, D.O., BOD/ Respiration, Photometry and Turbidity. On-Line Instrumentation for D.O., pH, Conductivity, TSS, Nitrogrn, Phospate, COD/ TOC/ DOC/ SAC/ BOD.
Ref : 70MP0316
* Multiparametric measure : Organic matter ( COD, BOD, TOC, TSS) specific compounds ( NO3, Detergents) * All type of waters ( Natural water, raw sewage water, treated water, process water) * Fast, reading in less than 1 minute * Convenient, easy-to-use * Without reagent * User friendly
Telp 021-70748483
e-mail : karyamitrausaha@ yahoo.com
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