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    Polisher Machine MEREK FORTEE TYPE BF 522 tersedia teknology ital dan china taiwan

    Oct. 13, 2011 11:52:03

    Polisher Machine MEREK FORTEE TYPE BF 522 tersedia teknology ital dan china taiwan
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    Specification :

    CV.Javazindo sell the machine polisher, polisher, vacuum cleaner who has been tested in product quality testing we have done with the use of 24 hours without stopping, these qualities can you prove it with a full warranty, as long as one year, prove, polisher, floor polisher, high polisher, low floor polisher / polisher polishing machine. 12-hour service center, service machinery / machine, machine, polish, polish machine, polisher. polisher machine, diameter 13 inc, 17inc, 20 inc vat household waste.

    Polisher machine 17 inc


    A. Washing Machine CARPET.

    1. Machines for cleaning your carpet home.
    2. Washing machine for the office carpet.
    3. Machines for cleaning your carpet factory.
    4. Machines for washing carpets Studio.
    5. Masjid carpets to washing machines.
    6. Machines for washing carpets Hotel.
    7. Machine for washing carpets apartment.
    8. Villa for carpet washing machines

    B. Marble Polishing Machine for

    2. Marble Polishing MACHINES.
    3. Polishes GRANITE MACHINE.
    4. Polishing MACHINES TRASO.
    5. Polishing MACHINES GRANITO.
    6. Polishes CERAMIC MACHINES

    Cleaning service for shopping malls, hotel cleaning service, cleaning service apartments, office cleaning services such as: poliser floor china / italy floor polisher, floor poliser, Dry vacuum cleaner, wet and dry vacuum cleaners, carpet
    extractor, vacuum extractor.


    Company Contact
    Ms. Yati oktavia SE [Director/CEO/General Manager]
    JL: Makam Mahlawan Komp Taman Juanda Blok P2 no 10
    Bekasi 17111, Jawa Barat
    Valid Address
    Phone Number:
    Phone number of Ms. Yati oktavia SE at Bekasi
    Fax Number:
    Fax number of Ms. Yati oktavia SE at Bekasi
    Windows Live: javazindomarketing@hotmail.com javazindomarketing@hotmail.com
    Google Talk:  javazindo@gmail.com  javazindo@gmail.com
    Y!: alatcleaningservice@yahoo.com 

    Terima Service mesin-mesin- cleaning service - blower keong - vacuum cleaner - polisher machine - Vacuum Industri - sweeper -Small Maintainer - SCRUBER MECHINE -WIND BLOWER Raid on batre dll

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