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Mr. B Hasibuan [Marketing]


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Jl. Kampung Baru Perumahan Wira Asri Blok II No 7 Rantau Prapat
Labuan Batu 21411, Sumatera Utara

Kantor Pusat Jl Pungkur No 115 Bandung, T.Kontak 022 4262253, HP. 0811208648- 81572527115
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Pupuk Spesifik Tanaman Gramafix[May. 18, 2009 22:10:01]
Quantity Order:
Payment MethodCashier Order
Quantity@ 5 kg Per Pack Plastic. 20 Kg/ Karton
Pack. & DeliveryKarton D/W 200 dan plastik PE 0,08 mm
Gramafix fertilizers formulating purpose to create special formula for each kind plant fertilizing needed. Complete ingredient such as macronutrient (NPK), secondary nutrient (Mg,S,Ca) and micronutrient ( Fe, B, Bo, Zn, Mo) serve on tablet former appereance.
Packing each inner plastic @ 5 kg capacity which inner PE plastic 0,1 mm and each inner packing @ 5 kg grouping on other outer packing made from carton ( D/W K200, M 150, K200 ) with capacity @ 20 kg. Each tablet Gramafix� forming appereance on (1,5 � 0.3 ) grams, 3�0.5 grams or 10 � 2 grams weight depend of kind plant fertilizers using.
Farmers don�t need mixing activities with other nutrient anything, Gramafix� fertilizers have complete nutrient such as macro Ntrogen, Phosphorus and Kalium / Potassium (NPK), secondary macro nutrient ( Mg,S,Ca) and micronutient essential copper, Chlor, manganese, zinc, boron, molybdenum, iron) with Chlor-free compound for individual use. ( Fe, Zn, Cl, Mo, B, Bo, Mn). Specific fertilizer for each of kind plant, give farmer or other user could save their cost, time and labor.
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