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PT.Petro Mitra Energy
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We ( PT PME ) are importeer for HSD D2 from Petronas , Malaysia. We able to supply HSD D2 for Indonesian Industries, Power Plant, etc , We offer the best price, good service dan good product spec. we able to supply HSD D2 for foreign Industries, power plant, etc in ASIA dan JAPAN, too.
We have contract and good relationship with ASSOCIATES AUTORIZED DEALER PETRONAS DAGANGAN BERHARD -Malaysia especially :
- Ecoheights Sdn Bhd ( Co. No. 789643 X) and
- Ikhtiar Dagang Sdn Bdh ( Co.No.716142 T) ,
Please visit at http: / / www.PTPME.indonetwork.or.id
PLEASE SEND US YOUR PURCHASE ORDER ( PO) TO muhajir_manta@ yahoo.com with info :
1. Your Company profile
2. Total order ( min order 5.000 MT) ?
3. Order ( Mton) per shipping ?
4. Destination location ?
5. Time Schedule ?
6. Your capacity bunker ?
7. Payment.?
for more info, Please visit at www.PME.indonetwork.or.id
Head Office
jalan KiHajar Dewantara, Ruko Golden 8 Block G No.005 Gading Serpong, Tangerang
- SIUP Besar nomor : 16434-04/ PM/ 1.824.271
- TDP nomor :
- NPWP nomor : 02.275.363.6-063.000
- Sertifikat Izin Usaha No.6060.k/ 14/ DJM.0/ 2007 ( 27 April 2007)
-Izin Usaha Niaga Umum : 05.NW.
-BP MIGAS No : 146/ NRU/ BPH Migas/ Kom/ IU/ 2008 ( 18 April 2008)
-Niaga Umum BBM : 049/ NU -BBM-IU/ BPH MIGAS/ 2008
-API-U : 090510629-P
We are waiting possitive respons from you.
Be success!
Ali Muhajir Yusuf
Senior Marketing
+ 62812 5774 3041
You may click the "Company Info" and "Contact Us" to browse and see other informations of PT.Petro Mitra Energy's website.
We ( PT PME ) are importeer for HSD D2 from Petronas , Malaysia. We able to supply HSD D2 for Indonesian Industries, Power Plant, etc , We offer the best price, good service dan good product spec. we able to supply HSD D2 for foreign Industries, power plant, etc in ASIA dan JAPAN, too.
We have contract and good relationship with ASSOCIATES AUTORIZED DEALER PETRONAS DAGANGAN BERHARD -Malaysia especially :
- Ecoheights Sdn Bhd ( Co. No. 789643 X) and
- Ikhtiar Dagang Sdn Bdh ( Co.No.716142 T) ,
Please visit at http: / / www.PTPME.indonetwork.or.id
PLEASE SEND US YOUR PURCHASE ORDER ( PO) TO muhajir_manta@ yahoo.com with info :
1. Your Company profile
2. Total order ( min order 5.000 MT) ?
3. Order ( Mton) per shipping ?
4. Destination location ?
5. Time Schedule ?
6. Your capacity bunker ?
7. Payment.?
for more info, Please visit at www.PME.indonetwork.or.id
Head Office
jalan KiHajar Dewantara, Ruko Golden 8 Block G No.005 Gading Serpong, Tangerang
- SIUP Besar nomor : 16434-04/ PM/ 1.824.271
- TDP nomor :
- NPWP nomor : 02.275.363.6-063.000
- Sertifikat Izin Usaha No.6060.k/ 14/ DJM.0/ 2007 ( 27 April 2007)
-Izin Usaha Niaga Umum : 05.NW.
-BP MIGAS No : 146/ NRU/ BPH Migas/ Kom/ IU/ 2008 ( 18 April 2008)
-Niaga Umum BBM : 049/ NU -BBM-IU/ BPH MIGAS/ 2008
-API-U : 090510629-P
We are waiting possitive respons from you.
Be success!
Ali Muhajir Yusuf
Senior Marketing
+ 62812 5774 3041
You may click the "Company Info" and "Contact Us" to browse and see other informations of PT.Petro Mitra Energy's website.
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