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Shaanxi Jiahe Phytochem Co, Ltd

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Shaanxi Jiahe Phytochem Co, Ltd
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    Specification :

    1. Descriptions and Specifications of Product
    Content Specifications: 95% Sclareol by GC
    Molecular Formula: C20H36O2
    Molecular Mass: 308.499
    CAS NO: 515-03-7
    2. Sources and habitation
    A ditertiary, bicyclic alcohol of the formula C20H36O2 produced by the hydrocarbon solvent extraction of the plant Salvia sclarea L. (fam. Labiatae).
    Native to European, now are cultivated mainly in France, Russia, Uzbekistan and other countries cultivation, from the 20th century into the early 1970s, China cultivate the plant, in Shaanxi, Henan, Hebei Province. And now the northwest region is the nation's largest spice plant cultivation area
    3. Indications and Uses
    It mainly used to synthesize substitute of ambergris. It is the ideal raw material for synthesizing ambergris products. Mainly used in the synthesis of nature Ambergris substitute products including Sclareolide, Ambroxide and etc. Small amount of it is also used in blending essence.
    Details about product

    Part I Review of Sclareol 1
    1. Source and Habitat 1
    2. Application History. 3
    3. Chemical Composition. 5
    4. Pharmacology and Clinical applications. 7
    5Dosage and Side Effects. 7
    Part II: Introduction of Sclareol Product 8
    1. Descriptions and Specifications of Product 8
    2. Detection Method of Active Ingredient and chromatogram.. 9
    4.1 Detection Method: HPLC.. 11
    4.2 Test Chromatogram... 12
    3HPTLC Analysis. 16
    4. Product application. 19

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