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Menjual lem adhesive sealant untuk keperluan proyek, pabrik, bengkel dan rumah tangga
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Sikaflex 221
Sikaflex 221
Selling some sealants for any projects, manufacturings, workshops ( body repair) , and households.

Why using sealant?

Joint sealants are used to seal joints and openings ( gaps) between two or more substrates, and are a critical component for building design and constrcution. The main purpose of sealants is to prevent air, water and other environmental elements from entering or exiting a structure while permitting limited movement of the substrates.

I sell some sealants here, e.g: silglaze n10, sikaflex 221, sikabond at-metal, 3m for automotive glass, ultraglaze for high rise building.

for Information :

+ 6285781797238

( jakarta)
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