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Condition monitoring, monitoring reciprocating, Reliability compressor, piston road monitoring, discharge valve safety protection, PV diagnostic, suction valve, discharge pressure, suction pressure, crank shaft, compression pressure, vibrasi kompressor, s
Vibrasindo ( Reliability Services & Condition Monitoring)
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Vibrasindo ( Reliability Services & Condition Monitoring)
Contact Information
Mr. Zulvik

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Jl. Pahlawan Revolusi No. 22 B
Jakarta 13430, Jakarta
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Vibration Analysis Services:
1. Commissioning / Verification
2. Machinery Troubleshooting
3. Routine Machinery Assessment Surveys & Reports
4. Equipment Sales, Database Set-Up & Support
5. Repair-services kinds of instruments ( all brands)

The above Vibration Analysis Services apply to a wide range of industries & rotating equipment including:

â € ¢ Industries - Power, Steel, Paper, Food, Petro-Chemical, Building Services, Medical, Glass, Textiles etc.

â € ¢ Equipment - Motors, Pumps, Fans, Gearboxes, Centrifuges, Turbines, Generators, Rolls, Compressors etc.

Vibrasindo will provide a professional and personal service in implementing, running, and/ or supporting reliability improvement programs through the use of advanced maintenance technologies, such as:
-Rotor Balancing field-service center
-Machine Alignment Reverse -Rim & Face
-Vibration Analysis
-Infrared Thermograph

â € ¢ Routine condition monitoring
â € ¢ Reliability consultancy
â € ¢ Reliability improvement programs
â € ¢ Plant criticality assessments
â € ¢ Condition monitoring strategies
â € ¢ Repair and service of instrument ( all brands)
â € ¢ Personal training

VIBRASINDO Technologies utilized:
â € ¢ Vibration analysis
â € ¢ IR-Thermal Imaging
â € ¢ Alignment
â € ¢ In-situ balancing
â € ¢ Dynamic balancing
â € ¢ Sound measurement

Vibrasindo systems sales & support:

Vibrasindo works closely with manufactures and customers to provide the right system for the application brief.

We offer the latest state of the art equipment from a variety of manufactures from Online Vibration Systems to remote vibration sensors for portable condition monitoring

â € ¢ Sound and vibration sensors
â € ¢ Impulse force sensors
â € ¢ Sound and vibration meter instrument
â € ¢ Sound and vibration analyzer
â € ¢ Sound and vibration monitoring
â € ¢ Vibration calibrator

â € ¢ FRF test and measurement
â € ¢ ODS test & measurement
â € ¢ Rotational and torsional vibration
â € ¢ Environmental sound & vibration measurement
â € ¢ Accoustic test & measurement
â € ¢ Noise measurement
â € ¢ Order tracking measurement
â € ¢ Vibration orbital view measurement

Vibrasindo provides numbers of course' s from Basic Vibration Analysis to Dynamic Onsite Balancing, alignment methodologies. All attendees are validated and certificates issued after successful completion.

â € ¢ Vibration course: basic, intermediate, advance
â € ¢ Alignment: basic, intermediate, advance
â € ¢ On-site balancing: basic, intermediate, advance
â € ¢ Basic bearing analysis: basic, intermediate, advance
â € ¢ Comprehensive vibration analysis: basic, intermediate, advance



 º Reduced Maintenance Costs
 º Increased output through reduction of down-time
 º Greater safety and environmental protection
 º Increased product quality
 º Increased costumer service
 º Longer operating lifetime of expensive equipment
 º Significant energy saving

â € ¢ Elimination of machinery breakdowns.
â € ¢ To provide information regarding plant production capacity based on the status of plant machinery.
â € ¢ To minimize labor costs through managementâ € ™ s commitment to elimination of machinery failures.
â € ¢ To anticipate and carefully plan for maintenance needs.
â € ¢ To provide reasonable and predictable work hours for maintenance employees.
â € ¢ To allow Maintenance and Production to function as partners to schedule and maintain plant production capacity.
â € ¢ To increase profits by incurring significantly lower plant maintenance costs.


Proactive maintenance uses a variety of technologies to maximize the operating lifetime of your machinery. Reactive maintenance is virtually eliminated.

Maximum returns are obtained by identifying and correcting the root causes of machinery failures.

The proactive philosophy of maintenance incorporates features of preventive and Predictive maintenance.

New and rebuilt equipment is tested against stringent specifications to ensure the quality of parts and labor.

Precision alignment and balancing are performed to maximize equipment life.

Periodic vibration monitoring may be used on all rotating and reciprocating equipment. Analysis of vibration data can detect and differentiate problems with rotor related sources ( rotor behavior and forces at play)
1. Unbalance Static, couple, dynamic or combined
2. Misalignment, Angular, parallel and combined
3. Bent shaft
4. Rubs
5. Rotor- casing
6. Rotor-product or moved fluid ( when dense or solid)
7. Shaft-sleeve bearing
8. Gear coupling-jaws
9. Belt-pulley
10. Sliding ( instead of rolling) elements
11. Rolling elements themselves onto raceways ( through lubricant film)
12. Rolling elements and retaining cage
13. Fluid and casing or piping
14. Eccentricity
15. Whirl ( of shaft or of the shaft within a fluid-film bearing) and whip
16. Torsional vibration

Process related sources ( what the machine does)
1. Hydraulic or aerodynamic forces
2. Blade / vane pass ( BPF) or blade rate ( BRF) vibration
3. Eccentricity relative to casing
4. Rotor mesh ( lobes or screws)
5. Cavitation, recirculation, turbulence, stonewalling, surging,
6. Compressed fluid wave or pulse ( pipes, etc) , turbulent flow
7. Reciprocating forces ( can come close to shock)
8. Shock ( presses, etc)

Drive related sources

1. Electromagnetic torque pulses from a motor and the interaction between armature and stator components, rotor-bar and slot pass frequency
2. Pulses used to recreate Variable Frequency altered electrical line frequency
3. Coupling problems ( lock-up, wear, etc)
4. Belt or chain drive w. eccentricity, belt problems, belt slip, cogs
5. Gear mesh and gear problem related vibration
6. Hydraulic or aerodynamic forces from gas, steam or water turbines
7. BPF ( Blade Pass Frequency) from turbines
8. Reciprocating forces from engines, unbalanced cam action
9. The most easily recognized of these are looseness and resonance.
10. Critical speeds of a rotor could be assigned to resonance
11. Oil whirl on sleeve bearings

Reactive Problems
1. Dynamic misalignment ( occurring from loads moving component positions)
2. Resonance
3. Looseness ( really a change in response due to lessened stiffness)
4. Instability ( rotor, hydraulic, oil film, other)
5. Base and retaining / supporting mechanism or structural problems
6. Distortion from pipe strain
7. Transmitted vibration ( structure borne transmission from nearby machines)

Many other problems normally associated with machinery. Awareness of the vibration level and condition of monitored equipment allows outages to be scheduled and prevents catastrophic failures.

Jl. Pahlawan Revolusi No. 22B
Jakarta 13430 â € “ Indonesia
Telp. 021-8611444, 8611131
Fax. 021-8611207
Web: www.vibrasindo.com
Email: sales@ vibrasindo.com
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