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Priority Member Indomonster Priority14th Year


Ready Stock Pesticide Test Kit – Formalin Test Kit – Mercury Test kit - Pestisida Test Kit - Rapid Test Kit - Soil Moisture pH DM 5 - DM 15 Takemura - Cholinesterase Test Kit – Digital Microbiology Kit

PT. PURNAMA LABORATORY Known as PURNAMALAB, as a company, which sells laboratory equipments in a quite big scale.

With look to advantages and lacks of the existence products and after the learning process to achieve the company, which more exist in laboratory analysis business in Indonesia, now company more concern to technology and innovations development of the sale products.

In market the products, at the moment PT. PURNAMA LABORATORY already covered whole Indonesian area as well some Asian countries.

PT.PURNAMA LABORATORY also has been being the repres Baca Selengkapnya...

Contact Information

Mr. Beni [Director/CEO/General Manager]
Mobile Number:
Mobile number of Mr. Beni at Bekasi utara
Phone Number:
Phone number of Mr. Beni at Bekasi utara
Fax Number:
Fax number of Mr. Beni at Bekasi utara
Pesona Anggrek Harapan Blok E.4/01
Bekasi utara 17124, Jakarta
Valid Address

Instant Messaging:

Google Talk:  husmidar@gmail.com  husmidar@gmail.com
Y!: purnamalab@yahoo.com