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Priority Member Indomonster Priority15th Year

UD. Micro Cipta Mandiri


We are company that specialist in Computer, Elektro, Telecommunications and Digital System. We are open in the year 2005 with SIUP No: 503.517 / 328 and TDP: 13155202450.

We have some product which we offer with quality of good and have warranty. Even the quality of which we offer goodness, but price which we offer [ is] enough reached and is economic. Our products for example :
- Language Lab
- Language Laboratory
- Language Laboratorium
- Language Lab Software
- Multimedia Language Lab
- CD interaktif smp, sma, mts, ma
- Software interaktif smp, sma, mts, ma
- Automatic Bell
- Central audio
- Alarm System
- PLC trainer
- Microcontroller trainer
- PABX ( Telephon between room)
- Machine Absence and fingerprint of Barcode.

For furthermore boldness about our product, can be seen in List Product. For other information can contact us:

Email : ihsanku@ yahoo.com
Tlp : 62-293-5556809
HP : + 6281575900145

Contact Information

Mr. ihsan sulistiyanto [Director/CEO/General Manager]
Mobile Number:
Mobile number of Mr. ihsan sulistiyanto at Temanggung
Phone Number:
Phone number of Mr. ihsan sulistiyanto at Temanggung
Jl. Pikatan, Mudal Rt 1/Rw 2
Temanggung 56228, Jawa Tengah

Instant Messaging:

Google Talk:  atmenku@gmail.com  atmenku@gmail.com
Y!: ihsanku@yahoo.com