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Find a cheap sofa quality? Place here. Mebel19 is a company / manufacturer meubelair / furniture, especially sofas or chairs from Surabaya, which has existed since the era of the ' 70s. The main focus today is the production of tens Mebel19 sofa model has now been circulated widely within the city of Surabaya, out of town ( East Java) , to outside Java, especially in Eastern Indonesia.
Our slogan is Good, Cheap, and Quick. Especially for sofa products are branded " rumahsofa " . Various models are offered couch is the result of the creative process between designer furniture with a reliable Surabaya Surabaya couch craftsmen skilled and experienced.
In general, we have been serving the wholesale purchase of a sofa store needs but also opens the door to purchase retail couch. We also accept orders according to the design of the sofa-making model and size desired. Because, do not be denied if the design is currently growing rapidly couch in terms of models, colors, shapes, and sizes.
Because the couch is one of supporting the instrument interior, it would not be surprised if the sofa also follow the development of architectural styles. For example, the minimalist style sofa booming since last few years and the reappearance of the classical model sofa.
Sofa minimalist model which represented the form of symmetrical, simple color contrast with the composition, now side by side with the model of classical sofa filled with detail and ornament decorating.
There is also a model of couch-called sofa beds. It serves as a sofa seat, and also as a place to sleep if the pleats are opened.
Quality sofas, is also very diverse, not only determined by the upholstery or cloth wrapper only. But also like the framework of the constituent materials, foam, and spring. So, does that mean it must be expensive nice sofa, and sofa cheap questionable quality worth? Not necessarily.
Because all is relative. Expensive or not a product for us depends on how big provit we take. So, you can prove to yourself that you will get a guaranteed good-quality sofa with low prices only at http: / /