Company Brief

Our products include:
- Wheels Lori Palm Oil
- Hotplate Steak
- Anchor Ship
- Milling Machine Meatballs
- Connection Pipe
- Pulley
- Manhole Cover
- Grill Cover
- Deck Drain
- Etc. ( In accordance Order)
We serve the manufacture of the material:
- Cast Iron
- Ductile
- Aluminum
- Brass
- Steel
Our products have been distributed to various areas in Indonesia include: Medan - Lampung - Palembang Pontianak - - Balikpapan - Samarinda - Tanjung Pinang - Jakarta - Bandung - Yogyakarta - Klaten - Solo - Madison - Surabaya - Makassar - West Nusa Tenggara
NPWP : 73.387.051.3-525.000
For information please contact us via
Tel: 0272-555444
Fax: 0272-555469
Email: makmurjayalogam @
" Fast Response " 082243679071 - 085600866006 to 082242454777
Jl. Masjid Raya Batur RT.001 RW.004, Tegalrejo, Ceper, Klaten, Central Java 57465
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