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Thank you have visited hompage of PT. Master Jasa Indonesia, with the trademark name ' GLOBAL iNVESTMENT CONSULTING, in parallel with globalization era and modernnisation era with aim to create all easy and velocity of service in all area, the good plane effort of commerce, export - import or Service etc, then with the thing we GIC invites you to be more detail again knows us through website.
PT. Master Jasa Indonesia" stand up in the year our 2000, when it was named PT. Visi Master, mission is to braid cooperation and believing each other between our customer requires efficiency and accuracy of when in serving management of permit from company document.

Do I need a license?
The most likely answer " yes" . Without this, you may do business illegally. Almost all businesses require licenses or city districts. There may be regions or cities that have a particular district permit requirements vary depending on the type of business you choose.

Where do I go to get a license?
The best place to start is your local city hall or courthouse. Seeing the city employees, who must be able to refer you. You can also call the city or district magistrate' s office, or look in your local phone book under city government offices. Try searching online for " your town hall" on Google or Yahoo local search to find Web sites for the local town hall.

the question is:

if I can finish this thing with
on time so that the time for other things more important is not disturbed?

whether to go to city hall or related department can easily find the location of the office?

if after I arrived at city hall or the relevant department, terms and conditions?

I want to:
This matter does not end soon convoluted, not back and forth just because of lack of this requirement and that, that consume my time and energy.

How about working from home or Home Industry?
Investigate local zoning ordinances include home-based business. Some neighborhood has strict zoning restrictions that can prevent you from doing business from your home. However, it is possible to get a variance or conditional-use permit. In many areas, attitudes toward home-based businesses become more supportive, making it easier to get a variance. Condominiums and planned communities may have rules that may affect your ability to do business from your home. We also see home-based business session for those considering a business operation from their homes.

If you want to avoid the things mentioned above a good idea to contact the agent / services you can trust.
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