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  • Inner Beauty Cream/ Krim Aura

    Inner Beauty Cream/ ....

    Rp 160,000

    Nursing, radiate the charm of your beauty, brighten up your beauty aura from inside and from outside . Create a glowing face, eliminating black spots and acne scars, whitens and....

  • Herb Scrub

    Herb Scrub

    Rp 175,000

    Made of: traditional herbs, egg shells, sticky rice, bengkoang, pearl shell, etc.
    Cleanse and smoothen the skin, raised blackheads on the face and dead cells throughout the body....

  • Milk Scrub

    Milk Scrub

    Rp 175,000

    Made of: Milk, egg shells, sticky rice, bengkoang, pearl shell, etc.
    Cleanse and smoothen the skin, raised blackheads on the face and dead cells throughout the body with a gentle....

  • V Wash,  Feminine Cleanser

    V Wash, Feminine....

    Rp 40,000

    With Extracts betel leaves, areca nut, cinnamon, cardamom and pomegranate white and scent will always treat your personal area . Efficacious prevent whiteness and gives freshness....

  • Sabun Seribu Bunga/ Thousand Flower Soap

    Sabun Seribu Bunga/ ....

    Rp. 38,000

    Face & Body soap made of : thousand flowers extract, tea leaves, milk, honey, hibiscus flowers, grass roots, foam from the stalk of rice, etc.

    Cleanse , refines , bleach and....

  • Roots Supreme Package

    Roots Supreme....

    Rp 900,000

    Included: Inner Beauty Cream, Overnight Cream, Shining Morning Cream, Thousand Flowers Soap, V Wash, Herb Scrub, Olive & Herbs Oil, Body Lotion, Face Towel, Big Exclusive Box.

  • Roots simply care set

    Roots simply care....

    Rp 450,000

    Indonesian Secret Beauty Heritage
    for beauty & charm

    Enjoy the Glowing and Charm beauty secret ' inside-out' of the Indonesian Royal Families heritage.

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