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ARTHAperkasa Logistics PT-DARTHAperkasa Logistics PT-D
Contact Information

Mr. Ardy B [Owner/Entrepreneur]


Instant Messaging:

Phone Number:

Phone number of Mr. Ardy B at Bandar Lampung

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Mobile number of Mr. Ardy B at Bandar Lampung

Fax Number:

Fax number of Mr. Ardy B at Bandar Lampung


Jl Malabar Blok O No. 9 Way Halim
Bandar Lampung 35141, Lampung

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Is a company that has played in the field of Business Logistics, Warehousing and Distribution. ARTHAperkasa operating in the area of Lampung Area, which covers 11 districts and cities that exist in Lampung Province.

With the experience that is owned, ARTHAperkasa has established an intensive cooperation with several national and international companies in terms of warehousing and distribution in the area of Lampung Area.

Also, we can help handle and distribute your goods Door to Door ( DTD) , and of course with the flexibility of the cost.

With proper storage location, a reliable team, and self-owned fleet enables us to provide you with an EFFICIENT.

And that becomes very important that, ARTHAperkasa can be customized according to your company' s logistics needs. Please visit us at http: / / to view our complette profile.
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