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Zipema Wood Products

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Zipema Wood Products
Company Profile
Company Contact
Name:Ms. Eliane Mendes [Sales]
E-mail:Send Message
Instant Messaging:
Windows Live: export@zipema.com.br export@zipema.com.br
Mobile Number:Mobile number of Ms. Eliane Mendes at Curitiba
Phone Number:Phone number of Ms. Eliane Mendes at Curitiba
Fax Number:Fax number of Ms. Eliane Mendes at Curitiba
Address:Rua Visconde do Rio Branco, 1630 sl. 1608
Curitiba 80420-210, Parana
Average User ReviewThere is no review for this company - Write a review
Registration Date:May. 24, 2023
Last Updated:Jul. 21, 2006
Business Nature:Trade, Service of Business Services category

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Company Brief

Zipema Wood Products is a Brazilian Trading Company located at Curitiba, Brasil. Our name has been associated to commitment, seriousness, reliability and worldwide lumber market for many years, resulting in a great knowledge and experience in the wood business, working in a very transparent and trustable way with customers and suppliers.
We may offer you the following services:
- Research altogeher the biggest and best Brazilian suppliers;
- Price quotation for your required products
- Inspection at the factory and the the port
- Freight quotation and Booking shipment
- Follow-up to the contract until arrival
An all of this for free, since we do not over-price products, and our comission fee is paid directly by supplier.
Here follows our list of available products for import and export:
Brazilian Hardwood and Hardwood Flooring - 1st Quality
- S4S - S2S ( KD and AD)
- Rough Sawn lumber
- Decking
- Engineered Woodflooring
- Solid Woodflooring
- Tongue & Grove ( 4 sides)
- Micro Bevel or Square edge
- Unifinished or Prefinished
- Particle Board
- Plywood
- Panels
- Veneers
Species: Jatobà ¡ , Cumarà º , Ipà ª , Tauari, Red Cabreà º va, Tamarindo, Muiracatiara, Massaranduba, Amapa, Curupay, Marupa, Cedro Rosa, Goiabà £ o, Sucupira, Angelim Pedra, Jequitiba, etc. ( consult our commercial dept for other species not listed here) .
Frozen meat
- Chicken â € “ whole and several cuts, including halal certification
Prà © -fabricated houses
- Projects under consult
Porcelain floor tiles
- 400 x 400mm
- 500 x 500mm
- 600 x 600mm
( colours under consult)
Spare parts ( automobile)
- Brands and models under consult
For further information, we invite you to visit our site: www.zipema.com.br.

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