Specification :
PET assorted cleaning streamline is also named rinsing dragon. Succeed in many-year R& D after contribution to considerable labor and material and referring to the product made in the same industry for foreign advanced countries , also the first cleaning equipment really meeting high standard in china , this set of equipment is significantly applied to crush and clean up plastic bottle , plastic barrel, Coca-Cola bottle and other hard plastic ware , also applied to crush and clean up very dirty soft material, complete equipment includes material-feeding machine, crushing and cleaning machine , boiler , cleaning slot and spin-drier; key production flow includes material-fed crush-boiler material feeding machine-rinsing dragon No.1-rinsing dragon No.2-material-feeding machine ?Cspin-drier ?Cmaterial ?Cfeeding machine-package bag, featuring high automatic class, low power consumption , high throughput ( equipment throughput ranges from 200KG/ h to 1000 kg/ h) , clean material after completely cleaned , chemical fiber can be directly applied to extend thread and reprocess without any cleaning ; also equipment fully and automatically runs without expensive labor cost , it is unparalleled to so-called low price cleaning equipment made in some small-sized factory from the same industry in China ! Most of the products made in this Corroration are exported.