Registration Date: May. 24, 2023 - Last Updated: Jan. 31, 2012
Business Nature : of Environment category
Company Brief
Potential Youth Empowerment Foundation Indonesia ( YAPPI) is a nongovernmental organization ( NGO) established in September 22 1999 for a period not too long based on Pancasila and Constitution 1945.
Intent and purpose of this foundation is to ( 1) assist the government in the maintenance and development of young generation, especially of children orphaned and abandoned children in facing the expected future, ( 2) Being a facilitator and catalyst in the development and economic development, s = health and the environment, ( 3) Develop, improve and strengthen social and economic conditions in different development regions program is more advanced toward the mouth of the rural / urban villages and urban areas.
This institution was founded on the idea of some young activists observers under community problem level. At its inception, the institute is in the form of a SHG ( Self-Help Groups) with the main activity in the sector of business mentoring people with systems advocacy. . Furthermore, by considering a variety of opportunities, as well as the development and target the interests of members of an increasingly complex, the founder and then initiate that body to be able to serve and accommodate the interests and welfare of members of the target, then the most important made in improving the status of the institution of the SHGs become an institution that is supported by legal entity be notarized. This initiative is embodied in the annual meeting of the founders of the Agency held on September 22, 1999 with the provision that KSM should be upgraded into a legal entity before the Notary Foundation.
Furthermore, to implement the Founding Board of the ultimatum, then on 22 September 1999 Founding Board is facing to establish the Foundation as a continuation of the SHGs become Potential Youth Empowerment Foundation Indonesia ( YAPPI) to Notary. Thus, since that date KSM YAPPI upgraded into a foundation with the name: Foundation for Youth Empowerment Potential of Indonesia, abbreviated YAPPI The foundation was established in front of Hidayat, SH; Notary in Turkey with the Deed of Establishment No. 43 On 22 September 1999.
Institutions in bercta-goal to raise the potential for community empowerment through the utilization of development resources in order to realize a prosperous society built on the basis of self-reliance by empowering characterize potential local resources.
YAPPI fighting partisanship on policy development interests of the people especially the youth. In this case, all elements of society, including government, NGOs, businesses and agencies and religious customs have equal responsibility in developing the potential of existing community resources, in order to realize a just society.
Based on the determination of these struggles, YAPPI develop a mission as follows:
a. To develop the potential of human resources and supporting it development institutions, in all aspects of community life;
b. Struggling to create development resources fair, equitable and sustainable future for the community welfare all time.
c. Cultivate public institutions as a vehicle for creative work and for the citizens as one of the supporting resources development.
1. Destination
â € ¢ General Purpose:
YAPPI goal is to ensure optimization of the potential human resource that is useful for society and the natural surroundings in order to realize a prosperous society, just and prosperous and noble character.
â € ¢ Special Purpose:
a. Conducting assessment of the potential development of resources, both natural resources and human resources through research activities, seminars, workshops, panel discussions and symposiums.
b. Developing environmental conservation efforts and settlement of the people.
c. Develop women' s empowerment ( Gender) .
d. Enhance social welfare through educational activities and training.
e. Seek to improve public opinion by conducting mentoring activities and advocacy efforts of the people through a program of empowerment of farmers, fishermen, workers and the businesses of other small people, for the realization of people' s economic revival is the widest.
f. Together with the people in independentif will develop monitoring and evaluation of the implementation of development in a proactive and communicative, as a manifestation of the alignments of development to the people ( democracy-oriented development) for the purpose of a just social welfare.
2. Long-Term Program
a. Procurement secretariat of Representative
b. Build a network of community economic empowerment with sevisi institutions in order to support community economic revival.
c. Identify the various issues and problems that occurred about discrimination against the rights of women and children.
d. Strive to increase the legality of a study group of children who have been held to be non-formal education units authorized.
e. To advocate for the interests of the rights of women and children.
f. Optimizing the institutional strengthening of people' s economy in order to build awareness of entrepreneurial people.
g. Intensive coordination with areas that target proxies have procedural and operational constraints.
h. Building public awareness in the development of populist-oriented development to encourage the widest public participation.
i. Research
3. Short-Term Program
a. Wealth structuring the organization.
b. Form a network of business people.
c. Intellectual coaching children and adolescents through study groups of children.
d. In cooperation with various parties to conduct seminars, training, and other consortia.
e. YAPPI includes personnel in human resources development activities of both areas and
outside areas.
f. Coaching and consulting services to the target groups assisted.
g. Follow up advocacy activities that have been done.
h. Cooperating with various parties in the economic empowerment of the people.
4. Funding
â € ¢ Implementation of work programs YAPPI funded with funds sourced from:
b. Government organizations assisted target.
c. Local governments.
d. The third party concerned
The potential of the working area of the Indonesian Youth Empowerment Foundation
( YAPPI) Sultra is in Southeast Sulawesi Province which consists of 12 regencies / cities) .
In their work, YAPPI has several operational bases, namely:
( 1) . Democracy and Human Rights
( 2) . Statutes and Legal Entity of YAPPI
( 3) . Work Program YAPPI
Patterns YAPPI approach in conducting the Community Based Approach and Community Organization as both a human being and society as a community member or group of organizations / institutions are:
1. Identify the needs of the group / community.
2. Assess the level of group / community.
3. The involvement of groups / communities in the implementation of activities.
4. The role of group / community in organizing and maintenance of the activity / program.
Besides YAPPI always still refer to the pattern approach " Participatory Rural Appraisal" ( PRA) , both to the community and to the physical environmental conditions of a final target program.
NAME OF INSTITUTION: Potential Youth Empowerment Foundation Indonesia ( YAPPI)
Southeast Sulawesi.
1. Head office : Block Azatata BTN. I No.. 3 Kelurahan Mokoau Kecamatan Kambu
Kota Kendari, Phone: + 62-081245618881, 085756826969,
E-mail: yappisultra99@, Postal Code: 93232, Indonesia.
2. Branch Office: 1. Desa Barakkah Kecamatan Tiworo Selatan Kabupaten Muna
Sulawesi Tenggara
2. Desa Aoreo Kecamatan Lainea Kabupaten konawe Selatan
â € ¢ Certificate of establishment of the institution:
- Notarial deed No.: 43
- Date: 22 September 1999
- Officials : Hidayat, SH; Notary in Turkey
â € ¢ Taxpayer Identification Number ( TIN) : 1.864.790.9-811
â € ¢ List and Operating License ( original) : Binsos.2/ 427/ 415/ DS/ 2000
( by Social Department of Southeast Sulawesi)
â € ¢ Certificate of Evidence of Existence ( STBK) : Number: 220/ 988/ DSP/ VIII/ 2000 ( by Directorate of Social and Political of Southeast Sulawesi Province)
â € ¢ Certificate of Evidence of Existence ( STBK) : Number: 220/ 268/ KSP/ VIII/ 2000
( Agency Social Politic of Kendari City)
â € ¢ Bank Name : Bank Mega Cab. Kendari
â € ¢ Account Number: 02-115-00-20-07456-4
1. Field Services
Potential Youth Empowerment Foundation Indonesia ( YAPPI) Sultra spicy in the field of research, training, assistance for community development programs as follows:
â € ¢ Development of Agriculture
â € ¢ Empowerment of Youth Farm
â € ¢ Sustainable Agriculture
â € ¢ Agribusiness
â € ¢ Integrated Irrigation
â € ¢ Integrated Farm
â € ¢ Land Use Yard
â € ¢ People' s Plantation
â € ¢ Conservation of Dry land
â € ¢ Fisheries and Marine
2. Development of Natural Resources
â € ¢ Social Forestry
â € ¢ Forest people
â € ¢ Preservation / Conservation of Lake and Beach
â € ¢ Clean River
â € ¢ Greening
â € ¢ Mining Social
â € ¢ Agro forestry
8. Social Forestry
3. Health Development, Environment and People' s Settlement
1. Family Health
2. Community Nutrition
3. Social Protection
4. Health Services Management
5. Sanitation and Water Supply
6. Environmental Impact Analysis
7. Improvements Village / Village
8. Procurement and Public Housing Development
9. Waste Management ( Industrial and Municipal)
4. Small Enterprise Development
1. Assistance Group Joint Savings and Loans ( UB-SP)
2. Microcredit
3. Micro and Industry Household Youth
4. Linking Banks with Self-Help Groups ( HBK)
For each service areas above, YAPPI providing services each phase, namely:
1. Needs Assessment Study Youth / Community
2. Organizing / Getting the Youth / Community
3. SHG Youth Development / Community
4. Training for Field Officers and managers
5. Implementation Workshop
6. Compilation Guide
7. Development of Capital
8. Application of Appropriate Technology
9. Monitoring and Evaluation
10. Development of Media Communications
11. Developing the Role of Women / Gender
Executive Director : Laode Mangki, S. Pd
Executive Secretary : Abdul Maal
Program Coordinators : Drs. Ambo Sakka Muki
Finance : Lilik Sumarlin
- Division of Forestry and the Environment : Abdul Maal
- Division of Water and Health : Ir. Hasyim Diri
- Division of Income Generating : sardines, S. Pi
- Economic Development Division of the People : Laode Mahamu
- Division of Youth, Women And Children : Wa Ode Arni, A. Md, SD
- Division of Politics and Advocacy : Nani Yana
- Division of Agricultural Development : Harlika
- Fisheries and Marine : Arifin, SP.i
- Division of Training, Research and Publishing : Muh. Arifin, SH
- Ahmad, SE, MS ( Management Consultant Social Empowerment)
- Tajuddin, SE, MS ( Consultant Business Development & SMEs)
- Thamrin, SP, MP ( Resource Management Consultant)
- Drs. Polondu Haji, M. Pd ( Planning Consultants)
- Laode Mangki, S. Pd ( consultant Education and Training)
- Muh. Arifin, SH ( Consultant Development and Research)
- The Masir, S. Pd, SD ( Consultant Youth Development, Women And Children)
1. People' s business mentoring through the establishment of Syariah MFI ( Baitut Tamwil) since 1998, located in Kendari city.
2. Education services for children and youth study groups since 2000 until now, located in the Kendari City.
3. Consulting services planning, execution and reporting of research results for students who will complete the study in college since 2000 until now.
4. Management assistance to micro entrepreneurs with the name AGRO PARTNER engaged in buying and selling commodities sector in the District Wundulako Kolaka
5. Cocoa.
6. Advocacy and Defense services for the acts of discrimination committed by husbands against wives in sub-Wangi Wangi as a power law up to the level of Cassation insedensil 2002.
7. Developer Funds ROFI Office of Industry and Trade of Southeast Sulawesi province in 2005 until now.
8. Facilitation of business people through MFI Syariah ( Baitut Tamwil) .
9. Study group coaching children and adolescents in the city of Turkey as a Group study.
10. Consulting services planning, execution and reporting of research results.
11. Developer Funds ROFI Office of Industry and Trade of Southeast Sulawesi province in 2005 until now.
12. Facilitator, Socialization Reasonable In and Assistance Management School Development Plan ( RPS) Program Development School Education Elementary-Junior High One Roof.
13. Assistance School Assistance Program grant for junior 2007
14. Coordinator of Program Management Diploma Three ( D3) Computer Network Engineering ( D3-TKJ)
15. Mentoring and Coaching and Advanced Coastal Community Economic Empowerment Program ( PEMP) in 19 cities Village Turkey - Southeast Sulawesi
16. Research and Development Study Role of rural women to Household economic improvement in Turkey and Muna Regency, on the Cooperation of Southeast Sulawesi BAPPEDA TK, 1994 ( 6 Months) .
17. Training and Penyluhan AIDS and Public Health at Labibia village, municipality Lapulu Kendari Regional Office of Health Cooperation with Tk. Southeast Sulawesi, 1996/ 1997.
18. Business Training Family Health ( UKK) Municipality Village Labibia Kendari Regional Office of Health Cooperation with Tk. Southeast Sulawesi, 2002.
19. Women' s Small Business Development Training, by PPSW Foundation for Women' s Small Business Assistance ( YASPPUK) in Jakarta, 2000
20. About the Farmer Income Improvement Program through the Job Creation Model Group Joint Venture ( KUB) for Vegetable Farmers in Sub District Konda Kendari
21. Voter Education Program in the Municipality and District Kendari, 1999 ( 6 Months) .
22. Environmental Awareness Program for Community Outreach in the vicinity TNRAW in cooperation Bapedalwil Southeast Sulawesi and Makassar with Bapedalda Lappam, 2000
23. Farm Loan Program ( KUT) 12 Villages in District Kolono, planting season, 1998/ 1999/ 2000.kerjasama Kendari County Office of Cooperative
24. Regional Empowerment in Overcoming Economic Crisis ( PDM-DKE) N 2000 Cooperation BAPPEDA Kendari, In 2000 ( 5 Months)
25. Micro Credit Program for Women Small Business Assistance ( PUK) in the Village District lapulu and Puday Poasia Kendari by ASPPUK Jakarta ( 2001)
26. Improvement Program through the Community Income Maintenance and Repair Ocean Carrying Capacity Natural Resources and Tools For Fishermen Relief and Women' s Business Capital For Small Businesses In Sub Lapulu and Puday, 2002.
27. Community Economic Empowerment Program in Natural Resources Management in Agroforestry systems in the Village Barakkah 2010 Cooperation LAPPAM Dispora Prov. Sultra
28. Economic Empowerment Program for Small Merchants, In 2002-2004
29. Political Education Program For Women Small Business ( PUK) Sultra LAPPAM cooperation with JPPI in Southeast Sulawesi, 2004
30. Gender Budget Training LAPPAM Sultra cooperation, Southeast Sulawesi in Kendari, . January 2006
31. Fishermen Cooperative Society Assistance LEPPM3 at 9 Village 4 District in cooperation Kendari Marine and Fisheries Agency Kendari in 2006.
32. Research Optimization of Solid Waste and Sanitation Cooperation BAPPEDA Kendari Kendari In 2007
33. Research Optimization and Placement Trader Levies Five feet Cooperation BAPPEDA Kendari In 2008
34. Training and Capacity Building of Farmers Group Management and Marketing of Agricultural Products through the PNPM-AP in the Village Pombulaa Jaya, Masagena Village, Village District Morome kab Konda. South Konawe.
35. Training Cashew Cultivation and Post Harvest Management Results in the Village Lalonggombu district. Lainea kab. Konsel through PMPN-AP Program In 2008.