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    oil paintings

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    ¡¡Xiamen Huiji Oil painting Wholesale Center was founded in 1999 and we have more than 350 full-time cooperate professional painters and keep in touch with thousands of professional painters. We can provide large numbers of any kind of oilpaintings . The quality is stable, the price is reasonable and the cycle is short. We've kept good trade relationship with many Euramerican customers, Chinese of American nationality, imports and exports companies of arts and crafts and travelling merchant of inland.
    ¡¡¡¡We can provide more than 8,500 oilpaitings per month. The orders come from occident, Middle East and southeast countries. Cause we're the bottom provider, we can provide oilpaintings in lower price.
    ¡¡¡¡We provide oilpainting service for foreign oilpainting sellers , galleries , families and companies. The service includes copying of famous paint, custom-mading portrait ,purchasing paintings for custmers and provide the place to purchasing oil paintings for custmers, etc.

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