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Name:Mr. ÕÅȪ½ð [Sales]
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Address:ÃÃÃÃÃûð¾æ¸Ã¿Ã¼¼¡¢»ð¾æÃRoad ´´ÃµÃ°Ã°ÃµÃ/Floor S102
ÃÃÃÃÃÃ 361009, Fujian
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Registration Date:May. 24, 2023
Last Updated:Jul. 8, 2008
Business Nature:Trade of Chemicals category

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Company Brief

Xiamen Kangdi Long Trade Co., Ltd.: Chemical Import and Export Trade
Introduction: This is a company with the right to operate import and export of integrated chemical raw materials distributor, Main for paints, inks, rubber, leather, textiles, shoe materials, carbon fiber composite materials such as chemical industries, the import of raw materials. The main products are:
1, resin: acrylic, alkyd, PU curing agents and UV resins, polyurethane resins, electroplating silver resin
2, paint: Waterborne, oily green Segao, metal complex dyes, iron oxide, Anbar powder and other organic and inorganic pigments
3, promoter: BYK Albert grams of additives, the promoter of Sri Lanka and other anti-foaming, decentralization, flow-agent
4, carbon black: Di Lufthansa high carbon black, Mitsubishi and other domestic carbon black, carbon black imports
5, filler: Glass, transparent fill, zinc stearate, barium sulfate, fumed silica
6, other ancillary: Extinction powder, wax-Shen, driers, conductive additives
7, printing mortar: various Fangnian, flexible textile mortar
8, the release agent: carbon fiber composite materials, shoe materials, such as injection molding
9, special paint: applied to the leather, shoe materials of various coating

Xiamen Kangdi Long Trade Co., Ltd.
Location: Xiamen City torch high-tech, entrepreneurial torch Park Road, Wai Yip House S102
Tel : 0592-8133634, 3923756
Mobile: 13023983919
Fax : 0592-3923748
URL: http: / / www.xmcontinent.com
Email: mail@ xmcontinent.com

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