Specification :
Basical property: molecular formular : Zn0 molecular weight : 81.39
It is a new kind of material and product in 21th century. Nanometer zinc oxide also called as super micro oxide is fine and inorganic with high performance. Since its granul is super micro while its radio surface is large, which maked it have surface effect, volume effect and quantum confinement effect that the former zinc oxide does not have. So nanometer zinc oxide has some special performances and new usages which are uncomparable for the normal zinc oxide in magntics, optics , electronic, chemicals, physics and sensitivity.
Physical property:
Nano meter zinc oxide compsed by super fine crystal particals is white ultra-fine powder. The partical diameter is between 1-100mm. Nontoxic, oderless, nonirritant, non-migratory, nonlinear optical conductivity, fluorscence, piezolectric, eletrostratic shielding, ultraviolet light shielding.
Chemical property:
Nano meter zinc oxide also has many chemical properties such as anti-bacterial, anti-mildew, specific catalysis and phototalysis etc.
Because of those properties, it can be wildly used in development of anti-bacterial product. Applied to the rubber product it has those effectives : fast vulcanization, wild range of reaction temperature, high rate of zinc sulfide conversion. The consumption is only 10-30% of normol zinc oxide. Applied to development of antimicrobial product it has zinc ion and tomic oxygen triple antibacterial function. With broad function of culling bacteria and viruses and its sponge-like porous micro-structure, it has long-term sustained release effect.
Executive standard: meet Interprise standard HHXPQB-YHX( NM) -2006