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Name:Mr. Adnan Hasan [Director/CEO/General Manager]
E-mail:Send Message
Phone Number:Phone number of Mr. Adnan Hasan at Lucknow
Address:3/106 Vivek Khand Gomti Nagar
Lucknow 226022
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Registration Date:May. 24, 2023
Last Updated:Jan. 16, 2010
Business Nature:Manufacturing of Mineral, Metals & Materials category

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Dear Sir,

We would like to introduce ourselves as ( International Discount Cards) ISE Cards India Ltd., a joint venture with ISE Cards, Inc. USA to provide Worldwide Discount Cards for Students, Faculty-Teacher & Youth, which is almost upto 55% populationn of any country .

The ISE CARD supports UNICEF, the United Nations Children' s Fund, and is a full member of SYTA, the Student and Youth Travel Association as well as TIA, the Travel Industry Association of America. The ISE Card is protected by Patent Number 1, 564, 435 issued by the United States Patent & Trademark Office on November 7, 1989, and is the only student identification card to attain this accreditation and protection. ISE Card is a unique concept and a worldwide monopoly with no competitors. To see sort of association with world most popular and recognised organizations with ISE ; http: / / www.isecard.com/ corporate/ lettersofreference/ index.html .

ISE Cards has obtained the license to launch ISE State Discount Cards which can be sold in each state/ province of a country, valid in that state/ province and later merged into one national discount card valid throughout the country

The ISE CARD is looking forward to partnerships with businessmen across the world to appoint them as Country DISTRIBUTOR / ( Country GSAs) to market the No.1 selling Discount Cards in world. The profit margins on selling ISE Cards range from 40% to 50% or more per card issued on MRP of ISE Cards ( Global ) which is US$ 25.00 & State ( Regional) Discount Cards US$ 10.00.

The Country DISTRIBUTOR ( Country GSA) is required to appoint State/ Province GSA, further State/ Province GSA to appoint District DISTRIBTOR ( ECAs-Exclusive Channel Associate) throughout the country to establish a distribution network, and administer, support and oversee the State/ Province GSAs & ECAs and ensure that sales targets are achieved. please visit to know more business modules at : http: / / www.isecard.co.in/ isecard/ business.html .

Should you be interested in our offer, we could forward a detailed proposal with area-specific feasibility and terms and conditions of association, to assist you in taking a final decision. please visit to know more business modules at : http: / / www.isecard.co.in/ isecard/ business.html .

We await your response so that we may proceed accordingly.

To know more about our ISE Cards, please visit us at; www.isecard.asia; or www.isecard.co.in .

Thanking you

With Regards,

( Adnan Hasan)
Head-GSA Development India & Overseas

ISE Cards India Ltd.

3/ 106, Vivek Khand

Gomti Nagar, Lucknow

Uttar Pradesh,


Tel. 00-91-522-2303663, 2303664


E-mail : info@ isecard.co.in ; adnan.hasan@ isecard.asia;

Website : www.isecard.asia; www.isecard.co.in

Skype : adnanhasan7; MSN : surfbuff@ hotmail.com

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