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Katalog Produk : Stretch Film, Plastic Wrapping, Stretch Films, Stretch Wrapping, Stretch Equipment, Plastic Wrap, Machine Stretch Film, Stretch Wrapper, Stretch Wrap, Stretch Wrap Film, Hand Stretch Film, Plastic Stretch Wrap, Stretch Film Packaging
Priority Member Indomonster Priority 15th Year
Contact Information
Mr. Edi Marlon Manik
[Director/CEO/General Manager]
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Phone number of Mr. Edi Marlon Manik at BEKASI
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Fax number of Mr. Edi Marlon Manik at BEKASI
Jl. Cempaka Baru II No. 57 RT 001 / 05, Jati Waringin, Pondok Gede
BEKASI 17411, Jakarta
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CENTRIFUGE PRODUCTS[Jan. 24, 2009 5:16:13]
Quantity Order:
Payment MethodTelegraphic Transfer (T/T), Cashier Order, Bank Cheque, L/C
Pack. & DeliveryPack in Volumetric, Weigh, plastic, glass, container and vessel


We Sell Centrifuge Products (sartorius : Centrifuge, Micro centrifuge, Refrigerated Centrifuge, etc ),

For further informatin just contact us :
Head office : Mr Edi Telp : +6281314114626, +622184990244, Fax : +622184990245
Medan Office : Mr Mardo Telp ; +6281396082677,+62616643155, Fax : +62616643166

Also Sell SIBATA PROUCTS such as Aerosol Photometer, IAQ Measurement, Sigma Mini Pumps, Filter based sampling Instrumentations, water sampling, Laboratory Instrumentations, Mask testing & Environmental testing, Toxicity Testing & Lidar technology, Standard Meter, etc),

Porcelain Ware (halden Wanger : Mortar & Pestle, Evaporating Basin, Incenerating Dishes, Crucibles, Funnels, Miscellaneous, etc ),

Glassware products such as from many brand such as IWAKI Pyrex : Beaker, Erlenmeyer, Boiling Flask, Funnel & Condenser, Filtering, Bottle, Desiccator dish, Picnometer & test Tube, Volumetric Ware, Buret & Soxhlet Extractor, etc,

Filter Paper (Sartorius / Whatman: Ashless Filter Paper/ Filter Disc, Analytical Filter Paper, Ashless Sheet Filter Paper, Analytical Sheet Filter Paper, Chromatography Paper, Extraction Thimbles, Glass Microfiber Filters, Ph Paper Reels, Membran Filters, etc),

Tissue Culture Product (IWAKI : Tissue Culture Disk, Tissue Culture Flask, Multiple Micro Plate, Tupe, Pipettes, Pipettors, Pipet Tip, etc ),

HORIBA PRODUCTS (Water Quality Monitoring System, Water Quality Checker, Water Quality Analyzer, Water Quality Meter, DO Meter, Conductivity Meter, Compact PH Meter, Compact Ion Meter, Compact Salt Meter, Gloss Checker, Oil Content Meter, Oil Content Analyzer, etc),

Tool & Equipment (Burner, Tong & Forcep serta Spatula, Clamp for Stand, Stand, Pipette & Stirring Bar, Laboratory Tool, Laboratory Equipment, Others Tool etc)

Plastic Ware (NIKKO : Beaker, Bottle, Funnel, Desiccator, cylinder, etc)

In Laboratory Instrument we sell products such as FT-IR OIL analyzer, UV – VIS Spectrophotometers, UV – VIS NIR, Atomic Absorption Spectrometers, Laser Particle Analyser, Calibration Software, etc

We have aslo Chemical Products from several brand such as brand Merck, JT Baker, BD Difco, Sigma Aldrich, Pronadisa, Oxoid, Remel, Microbiologics, Lovibond, Tintometer, Thermofisher, genekam and another merck both technical and p.a. Every chemicals product are flexible and competitive
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