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Want your furniture look attractive and durable? Would need more care, not just to color or give layers. You need furniture upholstery for your wood furniture.

Because wood finishing function itself does not only give the final result as you want, but also be able to make your collection of durable, protected from termite damage and disruption.

And we also we provide services to you in the ( design-build) ranging from planning, design, construction, and, in both new home construction or renovation of a house, to be able to realize your dream home and family, Staying healthy with the concept of a dream house with the cost / savings solution.

As a solution to realize the goal of a healthy best. We invite you to view our projects are under way or have been occupied by our clients, so that you can see the quality of workmanship quality is that we deal with.

Entrusting the construction of a new home or remodeling your home to us, to make your home a dream home for you and your family. Our belief in each process is very open and communicative with the owner or the owner' s home.

We would also like to thank Mr & Mrs of our clients who have entrusted the construction of new housing and renovations to our house.

Wood type is also very involved in the determination of finishing, wood with good fiber will be very unfortunate if covered with paint, because the beauty of the fiber will be closed thus eliminating the unique and exotic wood.

Coating itself is divided into a transparent coating ( clear finish) and non-transparent coatings ( opaque finish) . You will learn together about the two types of coatings with accompanying advantages and disadvantages.

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