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Name:Mr. Yash Nag [Marketing]
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Phone Number:Phone number of Mr. Yash Nag at NASHIK
Fax Number:Fax number of Mr. Yash Nag at NASHIK
Address:PLOT 25/2/2, ROAD C, MIDC SATPUR,
NASHIK 422 007, maharashtra
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Registration Date:May. 24, 2023
Last Updated:Feb. 14, 2007
Business Nature:Manufacturing of Packaging & Paper category

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Dear Sir / Madam,
Subject : Thermoforming machine
Greetings from Wonderpack Industries Pvt. Ltd, India.
We had the pleasure of going through your website and must say that the same is very informative. It is quite obvious that you are a leading manufacturer of mineral water with a wide customer base not only in your country but also in other countries. You are marketing mineral water in bottles and glasses of various sizes and the one that has caught our attention is 200 ml and 300 ml packs in disposable glasses.
Sir, we presume that you are purchasing such glasses from other source and not manufacturing them in house. Generally purchasing such large quantity has its own problems like:
1. Storing and stocking.
2. Higher price.
3. No control over availability.
4. Spillage and breakage during transit.
5. Deterioration in quality due to long time exposure to atmosphere.
This can have adverse effect on your production schedule and lead to unwarranted losses.
To overcome all the above difficulties many companies like yours are shifting to manufacturing the glasses in house. The benefits of going for in house production are :
1. Continuous supply of glasses.
2. Control over consumption.
3. No Logistics problems.
4. Better Quality control.
5. Economical.
If you are looking towards backward integration then, to solve your problems we at WONDERPACK INDUSTRIES PVT.LTD, INDIA have the right solutions. We are a leading manufacturer of Thermoforming Machines established 25 years ago. We are certified ISO 9001: 2000 company with over 1000 machines sold worldwide. We have a wide range of machines which can cater to your various requirements. We would be obliged to serve you and meet your requirement of Thermoforming / Vacuum forming machines to produce glasses for you.
We invite you to visit our website www.wonderpackindustries.com, www.machinesforplastic.com .
Thanking and assuring you of our best services.
For Wonderpack Industries Pvt. Ltd
Yash Nag
PLOT 25/ 2/ 2, ROAD C,
NASHIK 422 007,
TELEPHONE : + 91 253 2364199 EXT.27
FAX : + 91 253 2350949
CELL: + 91 9370238304
E-mail : mathur.67@ gmail.com

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