needs of industry, factories, workshops, Photocopy, etc. white dust cloth rag sewing Rp. 9500, -/ kg price not including delivered is also kind of cotton waste cotton....
needs of industry, factories, workshops, Photocopy, etc. color dust cloth rag, plain white, non-sewing and sewing, sheet info: sigap 0813144584581 088801166644 021....
Promo Kertas Putih Ekonomis Kualitas Internasional Kertas HVS White A4 70gr Price Rp. 24.500, -/ rim Kertas HVS White F4 70gr Price Rp. 29.000, -/ rim Kertas HVS White A4 80gr Price....
Rp. 3500,-
Gantungan Kunci Karet Gantungan kunci Karet @ Rp. 3500, - minimal order 1000 pcs