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HEIGROW - Proof of Concept in Real Life ( Mangga )[Feb. 12, 2012 20:10:43]
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PT FMI ( Frigga) is a fruit plantation that have many plasma farmer. Their technology has been proven for its quality. Their fruits has been widely enjoyed in available fruit outlets.

Frigga has tried many ways to cover fruit, one of it is using newspaper which is tied using wire. Heigrow® fruit cover is a new breakthrough that Frigga is interested to apply to his plantation. Frigga has tried to use Heigrow® for mango and star fruit Penang type. For mango, Frigga also tried to two types, which is Gadung and Nangdogmay.

For years, Frigga has used newspaper and even plastic film to wrap their fruit. However the result is better when using Heigrow® .

" Fruit quality and appereance is better when using Heigrow® " said one of Frigga PR to Agrobusiness in Pasuruan.

What are the advantages of using Heigrow® ? the PR said that mango color is more natural and greener. The fruit surface is excellent and fruit defects that has been caused by fruit flies has decreased to 100% . It is also protect fruit from pest and ants.

It is also easy to evaluate the fruit condition, whether it is already ripe or not. Heigrow® increased harvest quantity with A grade.
" Apart from that, Heigrow support the performance and fruit appereance and thus increase sales value" said the PR.

Before using Heigrow® , the PR has got many unpleasant experiences while using newspaper to wrap the fruit. Fruit color is pale and not fresh. Fruit defects also a lot, which reduce their harvest quality. Pest and ants has left defect that left marks which effect fruit quality. Prime grade fruits can not be controlled and selling value is only average.

( Translated from Agrobis 645 Second Week of October 2005)

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