water treatment technology
CV.Pratama Engineering is a company engaged in the field of water treatment, among others:
1. Assembling WTP system
2. Assembling the WWTP system - STP
3. Assembling machine SWRO ( seawater reverse osmosis)
4. Assembling machine BWRO ( breackish water reverse osmosis)
5. Assembling machine TWRO ( Tap water reverseosmosis)
6. Assembling system UF ( Ultrafiltration)
7. Assembling demineralization system
8. Assembling Depot Refill Water
With reverse osmosis Technology in particular, we of CV.Pratama Engineering is ready to help your company to produce its own fresh water and brackish water from the raw material, salt water, and river water, in addition to the above system our CV Engineering pratama able to recycle wastewater of the WWTP, laundry even river water to be used as clean water until the water is worthy of consumption. These systems can be applied in various places, among others:
1. Mall / Shopping center Building
2. Hotel
3. Laundry / or laundry
4. The small island / area no fresh water source
5. Ships commercial / yacht
6. Restaurant / home dining
7. Factory cosmetics, oil production
8. Hospitals
9. taps
Equipped with the knowledge and experience of water treatment machines, we CV.Pratama Engineering design and assemble water treatment system very efficient to keep production costs relatively cheaper than local tap water.
For more information please contact at:
Email 1: pratama.engineering @ gmail.com
Email 2: pratama.reverseosmosis@ gmail.com
Office & workshop address: jl. new Ketintang 18.No.114 Surabaya
branch: Gili Trawangan, Gili wonderful, North Lombok, NTB
phone: 087864323886
Fax: 031-34190681