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solo central fibre
Priority Member Indomonster Priority 15th Year
solo central fibre
Contact Information
Mr. ekbal yasir
Instant Messaging:
Y!: centralfibre@yahoo.com 
Phone Number:
Phone number of Mr. ekbal yasir at solo
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Mobile number of Mr. ekbal yasir at solo
Fax Number:
Fax number of Mr. ekbal yasir at solo
tanjungsari, rt.04/03, ngesrep, panasan, Solo
solo 57375, Jawa Tengah
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sepeda air bebek angsa water paddle ,  kura - kura dan kuda laut dari fiber glass dan stainless untuk rekreasi air perahu
[Feb. 14, 2012 8:15:44]
aquabike, swan, duck, kuda laut , waterpaddle, watercycling, cycle water paddle, for....
mini perahu boat perahu kecil pedal tangan paddle rekreasi air wisata
[Feb. 14, 2012 8:15:01]
mini boat with hand paddle. is veri good for water recreation for child water sport.....
[Feb. 8, 2012 22:40:20]
playground large made from fibaerglass and silver. creat in any models and dimension

tooter kuda kudaan per jungkitan goyang
[Jan. 28, 2012 7:27:41]
kids play tooter slide swing animal models, like horse, fish and etc
kayak dayung kano canoe kapal fibreglass boat canoe kanoe
[Jan. 22, 2012 23:10:50]
cano canoe kano perahu sport , creat from fibreglass, is very nice for water sport and....
cano kayak rowing polo arung jeram
[Jan. 14, 2012 1:53:51]
cano kayak for river sport. creat in any style and dimension. creat from fibreglass. we....
relief taman air mancur fiber
[Dec. 27, 2011 8:24:00]
waterfall relief from fibreglass. its very beautifull for your home. we also can make....
gazebo fiber glass outdoor untuk media iklan produk bisa dibranding
[Dec. 18, 2011 21:30:34]
gazebo for outdoor , sweeing pool, from fiberglass, fiber glass, with 4 chaisr and 1....
slide seluncur waterboom kolam renang
[Dec. 14, 2011 21:03:20]
pool slide for kids and gentle man. created from fibreglass. dimension slide 100 cm x 50....
kayak K2,  canoe,  kayak,  kano fibreglass
[Oct. 6, 2011 1:16:47]
canoe, kayak, englands standart
for PON Indonesia
creat in single, double , 4 man.
mini train kereta api mini lengkap denga rel
[Jun. 2, 2009 1:06:40]
mini electric train for children. created in amused model. it is very good for amusement....
fruit chair kursi buah untuk taman bermain
[Dec. 29, 2008 2:49:16]
fruit chair from fibre glass in various models and design like banana, stawberry, melon....
kiddie ride fiberglass toys
[Apr. 18, 2008 23:21:43]
any kinds of indoor and outdoor toys like playground, kiddie ride, aquabike, animal swing....
rowing dayung scully
[May. 10, 2007 23:27:06]
rowing single double 1x 2x and 2- and sports. created from fibreglass, alumunium and....
Perahu nelayan fibre glass
[Dec. 31, 2006 21:09:40]
ship from fibre glass. creat in any design and dimension. we also can make with your own....
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