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Contact Information

Mr. Arasi [Owner/Entrepreneur]




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Y!: onlinesouvenir 
Phone Number:

Phone number of Mr. Arasi at Pisangan Baru Matraman Jaktim ( Belakang Alfamat pisangan Baru)

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Mobile number of Mr. Arasi at Pisangan Baru Matraman Jaktim ( Belakang Alfamat pisangan Baru)

Fax Number:

Fax number of Mr. Arasi at Pisangan Baru Matraman Jaktim ( Belakang Alfamat pisangan Baru)


jl.Pisangan Baru Utara No.30 Rt 08 Rw 012 Hp: 081385954508
Pisangan Baru Matraman Jaktim ( Belakang Alfamat pisangan Baru) 13110, Jakarta

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usbpromosi@ gmail.com atau onlinesouvenir@ yahoo.co.id NPWP: 35.775.973.7-001.000
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Products Catalog

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Flashdisk Gantungan Kunci bahan Kulit

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code item: cwc-06-010

Product Description:

This leather is incorporated into a metal housing. With a small chain of the actual USB stick with the leather holster sit....
USB Leather Kompas

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Code Item: cwc-06-011

Product Description:

How amaze model 06-11 with the functions of watch, not only help you remember date but only remind you how time fly we need to....
USB Model Kamera

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Product Description:

PVC USB Memory 05-080 .This USB stick is the exhilarating connection between toys and media.
The refined Camera shaped design enjoys thanks to its....
Flashdisk Bentuk Sandal


Product Description:
Code : cwc-05-079

An unusual fun-Stick is the flip-flop. Instead of the motifs in the shoe we put on your logo. By coloring in any Pantone color can be....
USB Model Pesawat


Product Description:
Code: cwc-05-011

Here is another funny-shaped USB stick here. As usual, there is nothing really special about the device, it' s all about the shaped. You....
Flashdisk bentuk hamburger

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Product Description:
Kode: cwc-05-053

The hamburger is not only used by fast food. As a pure Fair article, we use this product as a visual object for our advertising clients.....
Flashdisk Model Kartu member

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Product Description:

Item number: CWC-04-002

The CWC-04-002 is big as a business card, you can put it in your purse only 3mm thickness, and you can print your company or....
USB Model Kartu Kredit

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Product Description:

Capacities: 64MB, 128MB, 256MB, 512MB, 1GB, 2GB, 4GB, 8GB

Colors Available: black, white

Connectivity: Hi-Speed USB 2.0 & 1.1

Standard Turnaround....
USB Model Hati

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Product Description:

Item number: CWC-02-015

Red heart usb flash drive, small body at the top you can add a rope or a chain like a necklace, it is best present for lovers, ....
Flashdisk Plastik Pakai Lampu

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Product Description:

Item number: CWC-02-010

Noble, universal use.With it, our customers have the most fun because you can color the plastic in any Pantone color. As....
USB Donald Duck

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Code : cwc-05-069

Minimum Order : 100pcs

* Product Description:

One important advantage for PVC usb drive it that they can realize your desire of cartoon characters. Not....
Flashdisk Colorful Mickey Mouse

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Code : cwc- 05-073
Minimum Order : 100pcs

* Product Description:

Do you remember the love donald duck usb drive? If you do, you won' t miss its good friend and partner, ....
Flashdisk Lovely Christmas Dog

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Code : cwc-05-068

Minimum Order : 100pcs

# Product Description:

Though christmas holidays have gone, no one would mind if they can own such christmas related products.....
Flashdisk Colorful Metal

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Code : cwc-01-004
* Product Description:

The cwc-01-004shines with its unique design and sophisticated technology for rotary and sliding open the USB stick.
Flashdisk Gelang ( Bracelet )

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* Product Description:

This bracelet is all the rage. The cwc-05-001 bracelet usb drive has the largest print area and can also be equipped with all the storage capacities.....
USB Pen Laser Warna Warni

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Code: cwc-10-006
# Product Description:

The laser Pen -shaped USB Flash Drive cwc-10-006 is one of our most popular model. It is small, capless, and features a swivel peny.....
Flashdisk Gelang ( Wristband)

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* Product Description:

This bracelet cwc-05-003, wristband usb drive has different style with bracelet 001 and 002. Especially the part of the connected position. Not same as....
USB Gelang ( Silicon)

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* Product Description:

This bracelet cwc-05-002 bracelet usb drive has different style with bracelet 001. For measuring we have all inclusive bracelet. You can also preload....
Flashdisk Model Cabe ( Chili )

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# Product Description:

Chili make you happy, because they contain the active ingredient capsaicin stimulates the release of endorphins - Our USB Chili unfortunately does not....
USB Leather Gantungan Kunci

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Code : CWC-06-022
# Product Description:

USB sticks as a transport medium for important business documents each of their customers really should always carry with you at the....
USB Flash Drive Model balloint ( Pen )

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Code : cwc-10-008
# Product Description:

The Pen -shaped USB Flash Drive cwc-10-008 is one of our most popular model. It is small, capless, and features a swivel peny. This....
Flashdisk apple crystal

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* Product Description:

Item number: CWC-12-001

CWC-12-001 a golden apple with pink stone, the sparkles in the light. Depending on exposure to light, the stones shimmer of....
USB Flashdisk Kalung Hati Crystal

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* Product Description:

This special swarovski designed crystal usb disk, cwc-12-015, with silver metal and shiny diamond design, it become welcomed by women. If you feel bored....
Flashdisk Pencil bahan Kayu

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# Product Description:

A very special, eye-catching and original design as a USB stick, is provided with the article usb storage+ cwc-07-014 . In the form of crayons, he....
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